So Pleased

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just got back from hospital , my DSN is so pleased with my blood sugars being as i have only been on the pump for 5 weeks , they have been between 6-7 all day last one was 5.5 , she said its what i needed all along im just soo pleased ive waited 30 years to have blood sugars like this :D My last HbA1c was 9.4 and ive been and had another one today ,my DSN said its a bit early to see a big improvement as they usually wait 3 months before checking once youve been on pump but i just need to see a bit of an improvement to show me how well ive done 🙂
Jenny you must be smiling from ear to ear well done, the pump is working wonders for you , but you put in the hard work to, long may it continue hun well done xx
Great news Jenny!

Well done, I know the pump is hard work at first but it sounds as if its really working out well for you.

Congratulations! x
It is hard work , and i know that it can take up to 6 months to get doses right for some people But the hard work pays off in the end , even the having to check bllod sugars through the night 🙂
Great to hear Jenny, well done!
Its in the Path Lab as we speak 😉
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