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So nice to have a forum - not an app


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Steroid Induced Diabetes
Hi everyone. My old Windows laptop and I appreciate this very much. 🙂
I was dx'd with pre-diabetes this week. I suspect it is steroid induced because I have been on a high dose for 3 months to treat Temporal arteritis. If left untreated it could lead to stroke or blindness.
I'm not overweight and we eat healthily as my hubby is type 2 in remission (Is that the correct term?) controlled by diet alone. I'm not sure what else I can do. I need to do more research and this seems to be a good place for info.
Nice to meet you all,
Hi @Nickynockynoo - Love your username 🙂Sorry to hear about your recent health struggles and your very recent Diabetes diagnosis but you are 100% right that you are in the right place here to unlock decades of lived experience here to be able to help - have you been prescribed any medication following your diagnosis? And did they tell you what your HbA1c is (which would have lead them to a diabetes diagnosis) - remission is the right term I believe (although not my area of expertise) - glad you have found us
Welcome to the forum @Nickynockynoo 🙂

Sorry to hear about your temporal arthritis - that sounds pretty scary. Do you know how long your course of steroids is likely to need to last for? Steroids do have an established reputation for raising BG levels. So you may have to factor that in while the course is ongoing?

Hi @mashedupmatt
My HbA1c was 44
Snap - my most recent one was 44 - mine is completely different though and treated completely differently too - it's not too high at all though and hopefully will resolve itself but as @everydayupsanddowns has said it is dependent on how long you are taking the steroids for - really hope it sorts itself out soon
Thanks @everydayupsanddowns. I've done the risk score and am high risk. Hey ho.
The steroids info doesn't look too promising. From what I understand, I will be on steroids for at least 2 years, possibly longer, even though it will be a much lower dose.
It might be a worth asking your GP if would be worth taking some glucose lowering meds for the 2 years you are on steroids, to help balance the action of the steroids?
Hi @Nickynockynoo and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your temporal arteritis and the effect the steroids are having on your blood sugars.
Mike's suggestion is a good one. I hope the long term steroid treatment works.
An HbA1C of 44mmol/mol is actually in the at risk or prediabetic zone so with some dietary changes you can likely keep it where it is or reduce it. This link may help you see where some changes can be made which would also be suitable for both you and your husband. It is a low carb approach which many have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com
Thanks @everydayupsanddowns. Do you mean something like Metformin or similar? I'll speak to the doc about it. I'm quite disappointed the specialist diabetic nurse didn't make the connection about the steroids. She knew about the TA
Thanks @everydayupsanddowns. Do you mean something like Metformin or similar? I'll speak to the doc about it. I'm quite disappointed the specialist diabetic nurse didn't make the connection about the steroids. She knew about the TA

I wouldn’t know what to recommend, but I suspect it may have been studied, and there may be clinical trials that suggest evidence-based options.

Metformin works by reducing glucose output from the liver, and in increasing insulin sensitivity - so it may well work. I was just thinking that since the course of steroids seems to be likely lasting for a reasonable time, there might be something you could add to help your body with glucose management - eg like when some meds for cancer have the side effect of nausea and people are prescribed meds to help with it?
Hi @Nickynockynoo . Glad that you have found us.
Sorry to hear about your TA, and I can understand your concern about BGs with steroids.
I know on the occasions where I have needed to take these I have had to make big adjustments to my insulin needs to account for this. Well worth asking your GP/DSN about any changes they can make to your meds to help with this.
What is the reason for your temporal arteritis - particularly, is it auto-immune?