So my official type diagnosis is...


Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
idiopathic type 1 diabetes differential flat-bush ketosis-prone diabetes with residual insulin secretion.

That is quite the mouthful :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hope to find the forum all good and well!
Which is strange as I have all my tests are perfect, HBA1c 29, they are just still focused on I had ketones a few months ago. Just some monitor stats to brighten up the thread.


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Interesting @ident I’ve never heard all those terms together - ie the Type 1 with the ketosis-prone, so I learnt something new (I’ve only seen it in relation to Type 2).

I hope you’re keeping well in yourself. Is there any change in your treatment due to this diagnosis?
I was also interested to see ‘ketosis prone’ as part of your epically long title (what on earth is a differential flat bush??).

Mostly I think my eye was caught by ketosis-prone because I’ve always felt I was the opposite of that - I seem, if anything, slightly ketone-resistant (touch wood!). As long as high levels don’t continue for too long, I seem to get slightly let off the hook. Which I’ve always been grateful for.
I think flat bush is another name for ketosis-prone diabetes. Not sure about the differential bit or why it mentions Type 1.
I think flat bush is another name for ketosis-prone diabetes. Not sure about the differential bit or why it mentions Type 1.

Ah! Thanks @Inka - never even heard of flatbush as a diabetes term.

Though I now have a Tina Turner ear worm going round in my head! o_O :rofl:
Ah! Thanks @Inka - never even heard of flatbush as a diabetes term.

Though I now have a Tina Turner ear worm going round in my head! o_O :rofl:
You and I both probably need to observe the city limits then, Mike - you the Bristol ones and me the Coventry ........ Oh hang on, nut ones, not flat ......