So I bought 'Pumping Insulin' and 'Think Like a Pancreas'...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Which chapters do you recommend? I feel a bit overwhelmed by the entirety...
and have rather a lot of other things to read as well!
I have 'Think Like A Pancreas' and reeeeeally want 'Pumping Insulin'!

Personally I always just work cover to cover, as like you say, they can be a bit overwhelming.
I have 'Think Like A Pancreas' and reeeeeally want 'Pumping Insulin'!

Personally I always just work cover to cover, as like you say, they can be a bit overwhelming.

Want to swap? I'll do a temporary loaner via post if you like, since I have pumping insulin and I don't have think like a pancreas.
I have think like a pancreas and and was waiting for the new pumping insulin to come out. Is that the one you have Liz?
Just seen this the post!

Think like a pancreas is MDI based so I would concetrate on Pumping Insulin, which gives similar information but in insulin pump method of control..

As to what chapeter!

Well I wouldn't read it like a traditional book, but start with flicking through it taking a quick look at the diffferent sections, good idea to have a gander at what is said about insulin profiles.. Then I would take a very close look at basal testing as your basal is the kingpin in control, get the basal wrong nothing else works... Get it right then all your other calculations for carb ratios, corrections etc will pan out a lot easier..
Hmm, i decided to do just that Ellie!

It's edition 4 sofaray, darn it, didn't know a new one was due, but I'll probably get that if one does come out soon.
Hi Liz,
Having heard Gary Schiener talk at FFL - he really knows his stuff - so would read all the book - but in small chunks or you will go crazy trying to remember everything.🙂Bev
lol, will do!
I'd love to - if you're London based, save the postage and we can swap them in person if you're happy to do that?

Brill! Sorry I'm a bit slow in answering, too much life drama at the moment. I'm defo up for this, if you're not in a rush I'd like another week or two to finish reading pumping insulin.
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