So happy with my Medtronic hybrid pump and latest HBA1C

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
First HBA1C after starting the hybrid pump (artificial pancreas) three months ago and it’s 6.4 (46).
I am so very, very pleased with that, especially as the last one before going onto the sensors was 6.9
Now I just need to keep my fingers crossed about getting the sensors funded.
Time in range in high 80’s, nothing too high and nothing for hypos.
Excellent news! Hope the sensors get funded for you x
First HBA1C after starting the hybrid pump (artificial pancreas) three months ago and it’s 6.4 (46).
I am so very, very pleased with that, especially as the last one before going onto the sensors was 6.9
Now I just need to keep my fingers crossed about getting the sensors funded.
Time in range in high 80’s, nothing too high and nothing for hypos.
Which sensors are you self funding? Is this a self set up “closed loop” system? Or coordinated by your clinic? I’m confused as to why you weren’t prescribed on the sensors.
Just played with a conversion. Do you mean in the 8mmol?
Which sensors are you self funding? Is this a self set up “closed loop” system? Or coordinated by your clinic? I’m confused as to why you weren’t prescribed on the sensors.
Just played with a conversion. Do you mean in the 8mmol?
The sensors are the Guardian G4 for the Medtronic pump which makes it an approved closed loop pump. According to the latest NICE guidelines the sensors should be funded but it can take a while to get the sensor funded by NHS so I’m currently paying for them myself.. My pump nurse has put in a request for mine to be funded but in my area it’s difficult to get funding.
The time in range high 80’s means around 88-89% of the time my continuous readings are iin target. This is not a figure for converting.
Most people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should aim for a time in range of at least 70 percent of readings—meaning 70 percent of readings, you should aim for roughly 17 out of 24 hours each day to be in range (not high or low).
My HBA1C is 6.4
The sensors are the Guardian G4 for the Medtronic pump which makes it an approved closed loop pump. According to the latest NICE guidelines the sensors should be funded but it can take a while to get the sensor funded by NHS so I’m currently paying for them myself.. My pump nurse has put in a request for mine to be funded but in my area it’s difficult to get funding.
The time in range high 80’s means around 88-89% of the time my continuous readings are iin target. This is not a figure for converting.
Most people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes should aim for a time in range of at least 70 percent of readings—meaning 70 percent of readings, you should aim for roughly 17 out of 24 hours each day to be in range (not high or low).
My HBA1C is 6.4
Thankyou for your response.sounds like you are indeed doing great. You have my sincere wishes doing great with your diabetes managment. 🙂
Fantastic result @AJLang - I’m so glad it’s working well for you! Brilliant.
Absolutely delighted for you Amanda. Hopefully, not only are you getting fab results but it is also taking a little of the strain off you. I know you have lots of other serious health issues to contend with and juggle, so getting a little relief from the mental toll of D management has to ease things a little, hopefully. Really great to get a result that lifts your spirits though. Well done!
Fingers crossed for the sensor funding to happen sooner rather than later.
D'you know how much and for how long, I had to harass Amanda to ASK for a pump and keep ASKING !!!!

We're both still here mate!
Brilliant stuff @AJLang

So pleased it is working so well for you.

Fingers crossed the funding comes through really soon. 🙂
@AJLang also so pleased for you! This is amazing news.
Hopefully the funding is sorted soon.

All your results sound wonderful.

Hope your doing well with everything else.

Take care
Thank you very much everyone.
Lol @trophywench thank you very much for harassing me. And you’re so right that despite the ups and downs of diabetes we are both definitely still here x
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