so fed up of diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
lately no matter what i do my sugar is high. now its 12 and i only had spag bol at 1.30pm. Sometimes my blood is high and im starving yet i cant eat because of the high sugar! i was doing good for a while but lately its all over the place again. im just sooo sick of it - constantly thinking of sugar readings, insulin, feeling guilty when i dont exercise - i hate it! what can i do to get my motivation back?? even though i want good control - sometimes i feel like whats the point - my blood will be high anyways :(
Sorry your feeling down at the moment. I absolutely understand where your coming from (but obviously from a parent perspective) and it does seem that sometimes no matter how hard you try you just cant get on top of things can you? What I have learnt is to deal with things in tiny bits, so if there are random high's without a pattern for example I dont tend to worry about them and just keep correcting, however if you look back you can often see that there is a pattern emerging and then focus on it.

I start by sorting out the basals into 4 hour sections and checking if they are correct, then i move on to meal ratios etc. I was trying to do the whole 24 hours in one go and failing miserably!

Perhaps you could start in the next few days with sorting out say the waking level and altering things for a few days and once you have that sorted - move on to mid-morning level and so on....

Your not doing anything wrong - the numbers are just an indication that something needs tweaking - so dont feel guilty at all - just take the bull by the horns and show it what your made of!🙂Bev
cant help in any practical way as im T2, but this seems to be happening to a few of the T1 at the remember your not alone xxxxx 🙂 big hug
you are not the only one out there going through the guilt trip so a great big hug from the one who knows i cant offer help im a t2 but mines goes up and down like a yo yo but i dont starve myself tried that it doesnt work its just makes me crabbet and tired xx:D
thanks for all replies 🙂 im not sure of any reason why its so crazy recently - i guess ive 'relaxed' a bit about controling it. before when it was under control i was really careful about what i ate, i took my insulin 10-15 mins before i had food etc but recently i guess i just relaxed a bit about it and my levels went crazy :( Diabtetes is a 24/7 job and its not a job i like :( hopefully tomorrow will be better and il have it under control again. when i see people eating pizza, bags of crisps, chocolates i feel its just not fair - you can eat them and not worry at all! tomorrow will be better lets hope 🙂

So sorry you are feeling like this. Like Bev said I can see this only from a parents point of view but maybe not having it ourselves sometimes we can see the problems which is why Bev was talking about basals and doing it a bit at a time.

I presume you are on MDI (4 or more injections a day). Why not have something to eat and inject for it.

Have you thought about a pump. Being down about injections and out of control is a qualifier if you wanted one. Just a thought.

I really feel for you and hope you work out what you can do. Take care x
Sorry you are feeling down. I'm type 2 and every so often I say I'm fed up wit this and try to pretend it doesn't exist. Everyone has similar feelings about diabetes from time to time.

I find it helps to come here and know that others will understand and listen. I hope you feel better soon.
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