so fed up just need a chat

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
almost lost my life beginnning of august, due to a septic spit gland only started off as a sore throat, then told my pin prick was 18 now it is 9.4 though 10.4 this morning, and it was the other day 8.4i have lost almost 8 stone, diebtic nurse told me my diet is amazing but didnt say i needed meds, been back and for the hospital i had raised blood pressure which i always took as anxiety and the blinkin white coat syndrome i also have had 10 side effects off 10 antibiotics metformin went to give me a heart attack am just so down its horrible i have not ever had a nurse advise me on what not to eat how much to eat of this and that i was almost in a size 34 now 18 top 20 bottom (not posting for praise i shocked myself to have lost it) just dont know what to do
Is it the shock of being so ill that’s affecting you @toffee_01 ? That would be very normal. If so, is there anyone you could talk to about it to work through your thoughts and feelings? I found a counsellor very helpful after a traumatic experience (non-medical).
You've got to do whatever it takes at the end of the day. That's why you've made it this far. Sometimes it takes sheer will and determination. There is only one person that matters and that is yourself. Number one. Good luck. I'm sure sooner or later you'll get the support you need. Starting here is a good place.
Is it the shock of being so ill that’s affecting you @toffee_01 ? That would be very normal. If so, is there anyone you could talk to about it to work through your thoughts and feelings? I found a counsellor very helpful after a traumatic experience (non-medical).
hi inka. its all the issues with give me a med i react had to start heart medication and i have has a slight reaction got a appoitment with gp monday this is only happening since i went through the menopause which i finished gosh 5 years ago in your head its always why me, it could be i am strong for everyone else but not for me sory to sound a baby am just fed up, i have not since diagnosed recived good advice its mostly from friends i am so determined to turn this back so my body is normal again i do feel bad because this is all my fault and i do feel so stupid
You've got to do whatever it takes at the end of the day. That's why you've made it this far. Sometimes it takes sheer will and determination. There is only one person that matters and that is yourself. Number one. Good luck. I'm sure sooner or later you'll get the support you need. Starting here is a good place.
thank you richard for your advice i joined here when i was first diagnosed was much better and didnt stay and i should of
It’s ok to be upset when you’re dealt a bad hand @toffee_01 You matter too. Have you told those around you that you’re feeling down? Sometimes people don’t notice when they should.

You’re not stupid at all. Don’t think that way. Be kind to yourself. Set small goals and celebrate every success no matter how small. Focus on the positive. That’s not as easy as it sounds because we all tend to be self-critical. Train yourself not to be. You did the best you could at the time x
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @toffee_01 :(

Glad you have reconnected with us. Sorry to hear about the scary time you’ve had with your health recently 😱

Well done on your terrific weight loss, and great to see how your BGs have been coming down towards a healthier range. 🙂
It’s ok to be upset when you’re dealt a bad hand @toffee_01 You matter too. Have you told those around you that you’re feeling down? Sometimes people don’t notice when they should.

You’re not stupid at all. Don’t think that way. Be kind to yourself. Set small goals and celebrate every success no matter how small. Focus on the positive. That’s not as easy as it sounds because we all tend to be self-critical. Train yourself not to be. You did the best you could at the time x
i did tell my hubby inka about being down, when we where in the hospital and the nurse told me this the next day that he told her i was his world <3 its hard for him to know how to help me cos he thank fully isnt type 2 or 1 but he had a stroke 4 years ago and i helped him with diet get his cholestrol (inherited from his mother) from 13 down to 3.5 he was on meds too but the the doc was amazed it came down within 2 weeks bless him, i am really hoping what the doc said that these meds with my heart i willl be able to stop them over time he said its like the septic throat or the last meds i reacted too had upset the cart x
Sorry to hear you are feeling down @toffee_01 :(

Glad you have reconnected with us. Sorry to hear about the scary time you’ve had with your health recently 😱

Well done on your terrific weight loss, and great to see how your BGs have been coming down towards a healthier range. 🙂

Thank You so pleased to be back cos i forgot about this group x
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