so depressed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im so depressed at the mo, I just want to end it all. Don't know what going on with anything and don't care. I get had a go at all the time and just cannot be bothered at the mo. I actually give up with everything. Thank you for the help you've given me I really appreciate it.

HUGE HUG. Squeeze.

I don't know what to say, so: SQUEEEEEZE again!

I still don't know what to say, except some really irritating thing about the darkest hour being just before the dawn, and to tell you to re-read your own posting signature, and DONT give up.

Just go an kick the cat for a bit (OK, so hopefully not literally the cat) and shout rude things at the top of your voice, and cry as much as you need to.....

Life can be horrible. And diabetes has days when it's hell-bent on making you as miserable as it can and ruining everything 😡

What's happened?

Don't let it win.......
Hey, after what you've been through I don't think anyone could blame you for feeling absolutely fed up with the whole business! Try to put it to the back of your mind for a little while - still do your best with the carb counting, but don't have any great expectations for the numbers - let them be what they will be for a couple of days (but do seek help of course if they get too stupid). What I mean is, you have been trying so hard and the diabetes fairy is really messing with your mind. Look forward to something else - like London on Saturday 🙂 OK, so you're going to be with a bunch of diabetics, but we want to see YOU, not your diabetes - you're a lovely person and that's what counts most, not this stupid disease!
Its not just the diabetes. Its everything, I get had a go at when I've done nothing wrong, I have no job, no life, no money and cannot be bothered. I feel worthless and pointless. The diabetes is just the icing on the cake.

And I can't go to London as I have no money for train.
Aw Lou, I'm sorry, I'd forgotten you weren't coming :( Is there still a chance of a job in that shop you were talking about?
please please please dont give up

we as a forum that is what we are here for to shout and scream on good days and bad i know that we dont know everyone personally but we do have one thing in common

there will be a light at the end of the journey i cant tell you how long it will be i have to beleve it myself tho i understand how hard it is and everything will click in place.

just take things one bit at a time bit by bit and you will get there

Louise, hang on in there. You have lots to look forward to (wedding) a fantastic boyfriend, and lots of friends on here.

You have made so much progress in the last couple of months, dont be too hard on yourself. Did you see the post the other day about how it is impossible to control diabetes but we can influence it - I thought that was so true.

hey loubie lou i know you're having a tough time hunny ...we can see by your posting recently ..big hug ...but it will get better are a very bright lovely girl and we all think your great xxx pm me or fb if you want a chat xxx
Lou, I know that u don't know me but I just wanted u to know how sorry I am that u feel so s**t at the moment, but at least u have had the courage to say how ur feelin and thats a start!
Take things day by day, hour by hour if need be! Maybe try to distract urself by doing something u enjoy, I try to do craft in the shape of cardmaking, especially decoupage. Anyhoo I hp all starts to improve for u very soon, take care of urself, shirl x
Its not just the diabetes. Its everything, I get had a go at when I've done nothing wrong, I have no job, no life, no money and cannot be bothered. I feel worthless and pointless. The diabetes is just the icing on the cake.

And I can't go to London as I have no money for train.

Ditto. And I get fed up of it too. Hugs Lou, big fluffly chocolate filled ones.

Dont let this thing win lou! (sorry i stole that from ur signature) but ur the one who wrote that! You have lots to live for and look forward to, such as being a soon to be Mrs Cakebread 🙂 and wearing your fabulous shoes 🙂 which i am sooo jelous of by the way, we all have bad D days, its gonna happen but there will be good days too, just stay strong and in control, u have lots of friends for support, when u feel like a rant just post, have a cry and let it out i feel thats the best way (well it is for me)

Dont give up, if you ever want to chat about anythin u know where i am on fb 🙂

Hey there - thought you were a smiler - know you can't smile all the time. Nobody knows how you feel at the moment but hang on in there it really wont be quite as bad in the morning. Last year I developed diabetic neuropathy and couldn't walk and my mum died and I lost a special man in my life but this year I'm doing the 5k Race for Life so things do get better. It just takes time. Hope you do feel betta tomorrow
Joan xx
Life is crap sometimes but remember you can't enjoy the highs until you have experienced the lows.
Time to set yourself some targets to show yourself you CAN achieve things.
Simple ones to start with e.g try to sent a CV to 10 or 20 companies a week, it may lead to nothing BUT you achieved your part.
even a good walk say 1 mile a day (do this early) it will help your fitness and give you a sense of achievement making you feel better about yourself.
Or try charities like helping in shops, it won't help financially but helping others is the best way to appreciate that your position ISN'T the worst.

BUT and it's a BIG BUT, DO NOT DO ANYTHING SILLY, There are people that love you, you do have people you can talk to even if it's just online. There are some great people on this site who have and are going through similar problems.
Lou - please don't give up. These last few weeks have been really tough on you, bereavement, lack of support from your diabetes form and erratic bloods and struggling to get a job I defy anyone to be able to stay cheerful all the time with that.

Be kind to yourself. The BMs issue could be hormone related some people find at certain times of the cycle they need quite a bit more insulin - maybe that's what is happening. I don't think you have had many cycles were you have been carb counting - but if you have see if they follow a pattern.

Keep smiling - I know it sounds silly but apparently if you smile it can trick your brain into thinking you are happy.

Take care
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