so called diabetic clinic appt

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had my appointment at the so called diabetic clinic today with nurse who didnt even seem to know the basics of diabetes at all - what a waste of time. I had to leave work 2 hours early for this!! She weighed me and took my blood pressure, but they could have done that when I went for the blood test last week. Yes I got my Hba1c result, but she could have told me that over the phone.

She told me that my doing 5 tests a day was too many for somone that had quite good control, 1 test a day would be sufficient. I could not believe my ears!!! I asked her if she knew the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes which she blatantly didnt. I think I did embarass her a bit, which was not my intention. But how ridiculous for her to be running the clinic when she did not have the first clue!!!

I feel better for getting that off my chest. Anyway my good news is that my Hba1c was 6.6 which I was chuffed to bits with. I would insert a smiley face at this point if I coul work out how to do it! Last time I was 7.8 and I have really been trying to get my control back, so I could not contain my delight when she told me.

Anyway I just wanted to share that with you so thank you for listening! x
It seems like these pple dont have a flipping clue , we go in there feeling worse then when we went in, we could all teach them a thing or 2 if we all turned up at there surgery, and we would not charge half as much for the priveledge, im sorry you seemed to have such an incompetent so called professional grrrrrr,

Anyways im so pleased for you thats a brilliant reduction in your hbA hun well done you . xxx

P.S if you type out your message and then scroll just abit underneath you get a choice of which smiley you want to insert r.e a smiley or a grumpy face
Well done for speaking up at the time! 1 test a day for a type 1 is as pointless as not testing at all as far as im concerned. Its not going to tell you anything! and certainly wont help you maintain your clearly excellent control!

Your A1c is awesome! Good on you!! x
wow great hba1c!! and silly nurse :( people like that let the health care profession down. if i go to an appt to talk about type 1, i expect the medical professional sat opposite me to know what i'm talking about.
for type 1 you need to test to know where you are don't you? to work out if your injection level was correct for what u just or about to eat/ eaten??
Great HbA1c - Well done! Though am sorry to hear about another ignoramus in charge of a diabetes clinic. Good for you speaking up! 1 test a day for T1 - I mean please!
Well done on the A1c result 🙂 Was it a 'diabetes nurse' at your GP surgery or at the hospital? I would be shocked if it was the hospital but not at all if it was a GP surgery nurse.
No you are right it was a 'diabetic nurse' at docs. She apparently only does this clinic when the usual 'diabetic nurse' is unavailable - what a suprise! But the point is though that she was there as a professional, and giving out advice on something that she clearly didnt know about. I think if she had read a childrens book on diabetes that would have been an improvement! Scary stuff. 😱 (thanks steff hopefully that is a face there!)
No you are right it was a 'diabetic nurse' at docs. She apparently only does this clinic when the usual 'diabetic nurse' is unavailable - what a suprise! But the point is though that she was there as a professional, and giving out advice on something that she clearly didnt know about. I think if she had read a childrens book on diabetes that would have been an improvement! Scary stuff. 😱 (thanks steff hopefully that is a face there!)

sure is hun xx
Oh no Hev, Ive just written the same on sams thread- you should complain! This is so bad. Clealry it is happening way too much as well. Not on at all. :(
Great numbers Hev, early crimbo pressie maybes!

Less good news about the twit you saw! Shame the level of care varies so much. Hope you made them think and they will improve sharpish!
Hmmm interesting and just how did you obtain a great HbA1C??? Oooh by testing and adjusting regularly 🙄

I have to confess I have the stupid position on 29th December where I see my diabetes consultant and then the GP practise nurse one for my six monthly and the other for my annual follow up.

The annual with the GP nurse is more so my GPs statistics for seeing the right number of diabetics etc is good - she's a great GP, so in a sense it's my way of thanking her for her work, however, I only take any note of my diabetic specialist and the proper DSN - the one who lives and breathes diabetes, not the one who did a two day course and became the practice specialist (I am assuming it is two days... it could be half a day).

If my annual review is a useless as others then I am likely to tell my GP not to call me in for any more as I'll just depend on the hospital to follow me up, which they do twice a year.

Good on you for speaking up, if you embarrass her by asking a simple question about what she's supposed to specialise in, or at least what she's supposed to be doing as her job, what is there to feel guilty about? It's only the same as asking a builder if he knows the difference between cement and concrete surely? You'd expect a builder to be able to tell you.

Great HbA1C and brillian you put her in her place - shame it wasted most of your afternoon.

Is this something you need to ask for at the hospital or should it be offered?

usually you are given it every 3-6 months fromyour GP's surgery. ive never had to ask ive always been told your having 1 lol
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