so beep tired

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
its now tuesday and another sleepless night been awake for the past hour and gave up trying to get back to sleep.

I never went to my course yesterday because of lack of sleep i feel like im fighting a loosing battle, last week i was either sleeping or going into false hypos
yesterday the arrangment was supposed to go like this
get the car mot
get shopping
go to b & q
window shop for a good price for a good price for my sons 13th birthday present needless to say by the time i got my shopping done i had enough.... another false hypo and i was away home, just about had enough dont know where i will get the drive to keep going this week these weeks feels like a mountain to climb non stop and not enough hours i dont want to let anyone down so i keep going

why cant my body understand day time and night time, why cant i sleep.... even my neighbours and friends notices that im not myself and im sometimes not walking right. do i roll over and let diabetes win?? and face the inevatable that all the bad things are going to happen to me or do i keep trying to fight it even though its getting harder and harder to get back up again i feel like im loosing more than winning the battle
I know how you feel, I can get to sleep absolutely fine, but I cannot stay asleep.
I have had sleeping tablets to try and get a pattern back but they did not work.
I have now been referred to the Papworth sleep clinic to try and find out what the problem is.
I am always tired and fall asleep during the day, even though I fight like mad to stay awake.
Hi, it is rotten when you can't sleep at night. Have you got a bed time routine? Lots of people find that helps. They turn the telly or radio off about an hour or two before they want to go to bed and find relaxing things to do like sewing or jigsaw puzzles, take a warm bath, have a mug of warm milk or acmmomile tea. Some folks also find it helps to write down all the things they are worried about, stops them thinking so much as they are trying to fall alseep. Also have a chat to your doctor. Many will only give sleeping pills as a last resort, but they are there as a back up. I hope you feel better soon.
Giving this a push to the top incase anyone else has any other ideas that might help.

Also just a suggestion, if you can avoid it, try not to nap during the day as it will make you less sleepy for the night time.
would it be the diabetes that affects sleep? i too have noticed that i am restless during the night and keep waking up and then feel so c*** during the day at work but i was putting this down to me probably going through the menopause. If it is the diabetes, why would this affect sleep?
would it be the diabetes that affects sleep? i too have noticed that i am restless during the night and keep waking up and then feel so c*** during the day at work but i was putting this down to me probably going through the menopause. If it is the diabetes, why would this affect sleep?

Many people have said diabetes affects their sleep. I think part of it is due to stress. Things are getting better for me and I have more unbroken nights, but when my glucose levels were very high some nights I was getting out of bed two or three times to use the bathroom and have a drink of water. I now only get out once if I am unlucky and have been going through to a tiem closer to my getting up time for work!

We have bad sleeping patterns for a variety of reasons, including the effects of diabetes.
thanks for all your support from my family point of view they think im a bit daft typing away at all hours of the night.

i made it to the course today..tho not feeling 100 per cent told my tutor what been going wrong with me in case i took which i did another hypo a collegue asked should i be eating a bit more😱 to try and combat it but i dont think that will work, ive even finished my cv today.
would it be the diabetes that affects sleep? i too have noticed that i am restless during the night and keep waking up and then feel so c*** during the day at work but i was putting this down to me probably going through the menopause. If it is the diabetes, why would this affect sleep?

Sometimes my sleep is affected by the fact that I might be falling asleep and misinterpret the sensation as a hypo and feel the need to reassure myself with a test - after that, getting back to sleep can be difficult! When my levels were generally higher in the night, in the first few months after diagnosis, I also got frequent calls to attend the porcelain throne...

Generally, my bouts of insomnia are due to stress and not being able to switch off. Also, until recently, it was taking me at least an hour to get warm. Might invest in an electric blanket next autumn!
I'm in the same boat Carina, newly diabetic and of 'a certain age' too. Whatever it is, I'm tired and crabby all the time and I'm tired of it.
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