So annoyed with myself

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I really need to get back on track with my diet. Struggling a bit for new foods to try . My sugars have gone up since diagnosed over a year ago . Just had my blood tests back which show an increase . Best advice for breakfast and lunches please x
For breakfast I go for coffee with double cream (usually 3 over the pre noon period)
"Lunch" is usually cold meats and or cheese eaten at about 3 pm.
Maybe have a look at this thread in the ‘food and carbs’ section, where people are sharing their meals with photos.

All different sorts of dietary approaches.

Alternatively there are a range of different style meal plans from Diabetes UK including Mediterranean, low calorie and low carb options, plus budget-friendly and veggie here:

I usually go for something along the lines of eggs for breakfast. Scrambled or "crustless quiche" for work days, same or omelette or occasionally fried (with one slice of toast to dip in the yolks) on non-work days. Occasionally if I don't have time to eat at home but won't be somewhere that I can eat eggs at a reasonable time I'll have a kind protein bar, or occasionally something more carby but I try to keep carbs for breakfast days to a minimum.

Lunches I usually have soup (with usually one slice of toast or a couple of lentil cakes or crackers if the soup doesn't have too many carbs itself) or salads in the summer since I was diagnosed last August. I mostly make soups/stews myself in batches, then portion into tupperware type tubs, and freeze most of the portions so I can pull different ones out on different days for a bit more variety.

As @everydayupsanddowns says there are lots more ideas in the Food Photos thread
I usually go for something along the lines of eggs for breakfast. Scrambled or "crustless quiche" for work days, same or omelette or occasionally fried (with one slice of toast to dip in the yolks) on non-work days. Occasionally if I don't have time to eat at home but won't be somewhere that I can eat eggs at a reasonable time I'll have a kind protein bar, or occasionally something more carby but I try to keep carbs for breakfast days to a minimum.

Lunches I usually have soup (with usually one slice of toast or a couple of lentil cakes or crackers if the soup doesn't have too many carbs itself) or salads in the summer since I was diagnosed last August. I mostly make soups/stews myself in batches, then portion into tupperware type tubs, and freeze most of the portions so I can pull different ones out on different days for a bit more variety.

As @everydayupsanddowns says there are lots more ideas in the Food Photos thread
Thanks for all the good advice - seems like its working for you
Full fat creamy Greek style natural yoghurt for me with berries and seeds and sometimes chopped nuts and coffee with real double cream.
Thanks for all the good advice - seems like its working for you
So far yes. I'm hoping it will keep working but we'll have to see. And there's nothing to be ashamed of if it doesn't work, no study has found one intervention that works for everyone
diagnosed 2021. lost 13kg on newcastle diet and low carb, remission... but this winter I have put about 4kg back on by being lazy and eating outside the rules i set for myself. Now back on 2 shakes a day and 1 meal to get the 4kg off!

My key meals are eggs (omlette, fried, poached, with mayonnaise), chicken or mackerel with bag salad for lunch salads, and any protein with hot cooked green veg for supper. Extra nice things: Carbzone tortillas to allow me to make sandwiches and mexican food, and Konjak pasta to allow me to have pasta.

I know i can lose this weight, its just dull. Hoped the doc would hand out wegovy or ozempic but thats a fat chance.

two weeks ago had heart operation/procedure for tachycardia but they couldn't find the rogue circuit to ablate it... so i'm still on beta blockers and not sure what the outcome is. Wont stop me dieting again though.

THis forum was a great inspiration !
I have kept to the same food regime for years. I tried different foods, tested and that was that. Not being a foodie helps. Breakfast is porridge and cracker with avocoda. Lunch is soup and egg or tuna or chicken salad and evening meal is salmon or mackeral with veg. Every now and then I test just make sure nothing has changed. I don't like cake or biscuits which makes life easier.

I eat nuts regularly and on special occasions I indulge in chocolate and don't fret about the sugar level.

It was all trial and error in the early days. Testing and keeping a food diary were and are invaluable. Although I was advised by the GP not to test... ridiculous
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