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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My glucose results have come down to normal concentrations now; 4.0 this morning, 9.7 before lunch (I tend to eat quite a big breakfast so may need to increase morning NR dose) and 4.1 before evening meal. Early days yet but heading in the right direction.

I haven't started 'carb counting' yet (have appointment with dietician next week) but trying to keep food diary and calculate carb intake.

I do feel like I'm restricting myself quite a bit. I eat normally for meals but I'm resisting snacks between meals even when I'm hungry as I don't want to increase my BG results. Before diagnosis I would normally have had a couple of slices of toast if was hungry between meals.

What snacks do you have between meals and do you inject for them?
My glucose results have come down to normal concentrations now; 4.0 this morning, 9.7 before lunch (I tend to eat quite a big breakfast so may need to increase morning NR dose) and 4.1 before evening meal. Early days yet but heading in the right direction.

I haven't started 'carb counting' yet (have appointment with dietician next week) but trying to keep food diary and calculate carb intake.

I do feel like I'm restricting myself quite a bit. I eat normally for meals but I'm resisting snacks between meals even when I'm hungry as I don't want to increase my BG results. Before diagnosis I would normally have had a couple of slices of toast if was hungry between meals.

What snacks do you have between meals and do you inject for them?

Im more then likely type 2 and dont have ANY medication at the moment just diet and exercise so i dont know if my opnion is valid BUT i do eat ryvetas plain with a cup of skimmed milk with no sugar. 🙂 It fills me up nicely! or i will have a pieces of fruit, i shoudltn see why some wholemeal wheatgerm bread toasted would be a problem as thats REALLY low sugar stuff! So i dont htink it would affect you too much BUt as i said im more then likely a different tyope to you so not sure if my advise is usable hun x
I wouldn't actually advise wholemeal bread as snack 🙂 It may be low sugar, but it's not low carb. Whole GRAIN bread is a better bet if you want bread.

Low carb snacks are your best bet. I know some people swear by nuts. Sugar free jelly pots are great, and they're only about 10cals as well, so they're a winner.

Small amounts of cheese would also work, or veggie batons with something like houmous?

If you're just starting carb counting, get hold of either the Carbs & Cals book that people seem to be raving about at the moment, or my personal favourite, which is the Collins Gem carb counter. That's about ?3.00, and will fit in most bags 🙂
Hi fruitloaf.

Not sure what you're injecting other than novorapid but it sounds like you're geting well on top of it.

The pre-lunchtime is a bit high but don't worry too much for now until you see the dietician and sort out meals.

If I was 4 on waking and before tea, I'd prob either lower my basal or lower eat a small snack mid afternoon or before bed. Difficult to advise for you as you're so new and obviously I'm not medically qualified.

I do have snacks if I'm low and/or I'm doing some exercise, but otherwise I stick to my main meals.

I wouldn't actually advise wholemeal bread as snack 🙂 It may be low sugar, but it's not low carb. Whole GRAIN bread is a better bet if you want bread.

Low carb snacks are your best bet. I know some people swear by nuts. Sugar free jelly pots are great, and they're only about 10cals as well, so they're a winner.

Small amounts of cheese would also work, or veggie batons with something like houmous?

If you're just starting carb counting, get hold of either the Carbs & Cals book that people seem to be raving about at the moment, or my personal favourite, which is the Collins Gem carb counter. That's about ?3.00, and will fit in most bags 🙂

See told you it was different lmao
thanks for all the advice, I like granary bread so could have this as snack, also partial to fruit and spice bread (hence the username) but that's probably not such a good plan. I have a panasonic bread maker so could try other types, I read somewhere that rye bread is better.

I like the sound of houmous and veg too 🙂

I was slightly worried about my morning glucose being a little too low. I did test my BG in the middle of the night aswell at 01:30am only because my neighbour came home and woke me up and it was 13 which was a bit odd as when I went to bed at 22:00 it was 11. Oh well I'm sure I'll have a better idea by the end of the week, not going to make any changes until I've seen the dietician on Friday.

will keep you updated, no doubt I will have lots more questions soon!
Hope all goes well!! definately tell us 🙂 We are nosey sods here and love to know everything about you - even your bg level lol x
I'm no expert and have only recently felt in control of my BG levels. Occasionally I will call in a caf for a coffee when shopping and weaken and have a toasted teacake or something. In the morning I can get away with it but in the afternoon I inject an extra unit - you will get to know your body and your insulin requirements, it just takes a bit of time. Best wishes
next question...

last night before bed my glucose was 5.9, I seem to remember my CNS saying that I should be 7 or 8 before bed so I was worried that 5.9 was a bit low so I had a slice of granary toast. At 3 am my glucose was 13 and at 8:30 am it was 4.1.
Because the previous night BG was 11 and then 4 in the morning I was worried that 5.9 was too low but thinking about it again is my morning BG related at all to my bed time BG or is it just a reflection of my long acting insulin?
(hope that makes sense)
And if so, what is a safe BG at bed time, do you just try and keep your BG between 4-7 or do you try and get it a bit higher than the during the day?

I'm a bit confused by the high concentrations during the night, not sure whether this is a late spike from my evening meal or my liver pumping out glucose for some reason.
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