Snacks before bed


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Can anyone recommend some snacks before bed to stabilise blood sugar over night? My blood sugar has been decreasing quickly, so I’ve had some fast acting glucose but then I’m not sure what to have as my slow release with it being quite close to bed time - would a glass of milk be ok? There’s conflicting advice online and I don’t really have a clue!

Thanks in advance!
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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend some snacks before bed to stabilise blood sugar over night? My blood sugar has been decreasing quickly, so I’ve had some fast acting glucose but then I’m not sure what to have as my slow release with it being quite close to bed time - would a glass of milk be ok? There’s conflicting advice online and I don’t really have a clue!

Thanks in advance!
Did you read the answers in your thread My Diabetes Dairy as there were some suggestions there.
Unless your blood glucose is very low you may not need snacks before bed.
Are you testing before bed? What levels are you getting?
The whole purpose of the medications are to bring blood glucose down.
Thank you for your kind reply. My reading was 4.0 today and 4.3 before bed yesterday. As they were quite a lot lower than my previous post, I wanted to double check that milk would be sufficient, as there are a lot of conflicting messages on Google and I don’t have my follow up with the DSN until Friday.
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Thank you for your kind reply. My reading was 4.0 today and 4.3 before bed yesterday. As they were quite a lot lower than my previous post, I wanted to double check that milk would be sufficient, as there are a lot of conflicting messages on Google and I don’t have my follow up with the DSN until Friday.
Milk is likely to be metabolised quite quickly so you may be better to also have a digestive biscuit as that will be more slowly digested, you could add a piece of cheese to slow it down even more.
Are you eating enough carbs for your gliclazide dose? if you are at 4. How soon after eating your evening meal is that.
I felt I’d eaten enough carbs, as I’d had two slices of bread alongside a tuna salad to try and increase carbs due to the previous evenings’ low. I’ll eat some more carbs this evening. The 4.0 was about 3.5 hrs after eating
I felt I’d eaten enough carbs, as I’d had two slices of bread alongside a tuna salad to try and increase carbs due to the previous evenings’ low. I’ll eat some more carbs this evening. The 4.0 was about 3.5 hrs after eating
When do you take your gliclazide?
Have you tested before and 2 hours after eating as you could then see if you can 'afford' to have more carbs for your meal.
I take one pill with breakfast and one with dinner, as the doctor said to do that. I haven’t tested before, as the doctor told me I didn’t need to, but 2 hrs after I was at 5.3. I will test before today, to try and stop it dropping so low again.
I take one pill with breakfast and one with dinner, as the doctor said to do that. I haven’t tested before, as the doctor told me I didn’t need to, but 2 hrs after I was at 5.3. I will test before today, to try and stop it dropping so low again.
You are well under the level that people aim at 2 hours post meal of no more than 8 mmol/l so your gliclazide dose may be too high for the carbs you are eating. I should have a word with your nurse for some guidance.
The advice not to test is not all that helpful when you are initially trying to find a dietary regime balanced with medication which suits YOU.
Thank you for your advice and taking the time to respond to me - I will ask her about it at my follow up appointment later in the week.

I have wondered whether the plan is to stop gliclazide, as I don’t have a repeat prescription for this, whereas I do for metformin. Lots of questions to have answered and hopefully a positive way forward by the end of the week.

Thank you again
What's the pill dosage level ? I've never yet had to go above the 40mg pill level (lowest manufactured), and only one per day. I tried splitting it morning and evening but these pills are not designed for cutting. So just one pill in the morning. That brings its own problems with what to eat.
How many carbs should you eat if you are taking 240mg per day. Could be the reason I get so hungry
I visited the nurse today and she was incredibly helpful. We’re stopping gliclazide completely and continuing with metformin for the next three months then we can monitor and reassess.

We looked at the foods I was eating, and I’m eating fairly low carb in terms of meals - but was having to eat a lot of ‘unplanned’ carbs to stabilise my blood sugar and deal with hypos.

I felt she gave me a lot more information during this appointment, which was super. In fairness, it was mostly advice that I’d already been given from the kind souls on these forums, but it was good to have the conversation anyway.

Thank you all again for your support these last couple of weeks - it’s taken a lot of getting used to but the support here has been invaluable ❤️