Snacks are they worth including


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
I'm type 2,have manged to reduce my hba1c from 65to about 50 in the last year but somehow seen to be stuck at this figure for the last month or show. That's old 8.3 ml in average blood glucose over the last 90 days.
Am about 28 obesity but have trouble loosing weight and doing exercise is not easy with an arithtic knee.
My eating regime is about 150 carbs over 3 meals a day with my biggest meal in the evening.

I'm just wondering if it might be better to eat over 5 smaller meals say 30 carbs about every 3 hours.

Any thoughts on wether this might help to knudgrme down.

Oh and I take it 4 x 500 Metformin, 2 after bfast 2 after dinner.

Looking forward to lots of replies thanks all
Bear in mind I know nothing of timings of food and meds ... but might it be good to aim to have your heaviest carb meal at a time of day when you are going be more active? Logic suggests to me more carbs would be 'burnt off ' during activity, as opposed to a carby meal in the evening when you may be relaxing afterward for the evening.
Just a thought .. I may be talking complete rubbish. So follow someone else's advice who knows about meds :D
I've come across 2 schools of thought on this.

One says eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner and don't snack in between
The other says if you do that a graph of your BG will look like a Toblerone bar, when what you want to see is gently rolling hills, so recommends a smaller breakfast, lunch and dinner with a light snack in between.

I follow the latter option, aiming to keep my meals around 30-35g each so that I have a little of my 130g per day carb allowance left for a light snacks. I generally only snack on nuts or low-carb cereal bars, though. It seems to work for me, but having said that I don't have problems exercising and my BMI is 22.
Bear in mind I know nothing of timings of food and meds ... but might it be good to aim to have your heaviest carb meal at a time of day when you are going be more active? Logic suggests to me more carbs would be 'burnt off ' during activity, as opposed to a carby meal in the evening when you may be relaxing afterward for the evening.
Just a thought .. I may be talking complete rubbish. So follow someone else's advice who knows about meds :D
Yes that's makes sense can't excercise in the evening.. Well you can but the idea is that I stick to 30 carbs per small meal and the excercise can thrn be done at anytime am and pm?
Is the saying Breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dine like a Pauper??????
If you have enough protein the theory is that you don't need to snack between meals but that can be boredom, and how old are these ideas? As has been said you have to find what suits you and your body and lifestyle and go from there. There does not seem to be hard and fast rules especially for T2s as far as I can ascertain.
Well you can but the idea is that I stick to 30 carbs per small meal and the excercise can thrn be done at anytime am and pm?
Ah yes, today was a not feeling well, crash on the sofa day for me ... I prob should have just stayed there
As both you and @Martin.A both say, splitting up the carbs over the course of the day is better - I do remember reading about limiting carbs per meal as opposed to only per day.
Definitely better to go by what martin and emckt say, I am a noob at T2 stuff
I would assume that exercise can be done at anytime which works for yourself
You may find that by sticking to your 3 meals a day but just trimming a bit off the carbs so you are 130g per day or less will help to bring down your HbA1C more.
The theory I find makes sense is not to drip feed the body with carbs as that is more likely to lead to insulin resistance./