Smartphone app

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Anyone know of a good app for recording and analysing BGs etc while using a pump? I use a lot of dual wave bolus deliveries and I'm trying to work out the appropriate ratios and durations. I've tried every app I can find but none seem to allow the recording of this kind of information.

Any ideas - or do I need to revert to a spreadsheet?

I do not know whether it works on a smartphone, but assuming that you have access to the internet on that, you could use Diasend. This collates data from my pump and handset and from my Libre. It shows the different insulin deliveries and any TBRs I use. Useful for looking for patterns and also I can share the data with my consultant/DSN. It is for free.
I was after an app as I always have that with me. I have diasend on my laptop but it clashes with the Abbott software for the Libre and I get fed up stopping the two of the clashing.

After considering all the options I've downloaded excel for my phone and put together a quick spreadsheet on it. Seems to be ok so far.
Sounds like you have it sorted @Ref, but I've used mySugr for years for this.

Things like TBR you can note in the fields. You can note meal dose and correction doses separately, and there's a 'notes' section (or 'meal description') if you prefer, where I can write waves/lengths in shorthand eg "Spaghetti DW 40:60 2hrs" for dual wave, proportional split and duration.

The nice thing is that I can then search 'spaghetti' next time and get presented with a list of results that mention it, allowing me to drill in and see what happened to BGs afterwards 🙂
I started using the the notes more or less in the way you do but it didn't really work for me somehow, not sure why - perhaps I'm just a spreadsheet guy at heart.

Do you have the paid version or the free one?
Have you found a way of using MySugr for basals and basal testing - all I can see is a field for temp basals.
I abandoned the basal recording as you can only set up one profile (use different at weekends) and it didn't seem to help me at all. I keep my basals on a rolling note on my phone - start a new one each year!

Basal tests I would just log as BGs and tag them 'fasting'

I have the 'pro' version, but have used the app for so long I actually bought it when it was a one-off fee rather than a subscription.
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