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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi folks
I haven’t posted for a while as I finished my Guardian 3 trial and went back to Libre whilst a few things got sorted.
I’m hooked up again and it’s amazing how I’ve got to learn to trust the technology again.
I’ve only been using since Saturday so I guess early days. I’m about to turn in for the night and my BG is 4.1. I have no active insulin onboard so pondering wether it’s ok to go to bed without eating anything? I hate eating for the sake of it and it certainly doesn’t help my waist size!
I was hoping the CGM would alleviate the pre bed stress.
I’ve had quite a few smart-guard alerts saying smartguard has reached the time limit for minimum delivery rate too.
Feeling like a newbie again


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Nobody answered last night @Bluesky so I hope your night went ok. I don’t use Guardian or anything like it (just a pump user) but personally I’d never go to bed in the 4s. No matter how clever the technology, in my opinion it’s not worth the risk. My blood sugar is pretty stable over night but even then I like to go to bed in the 5s minimum and wake in the 5s too. So I’d have eaten a small amount of carbs in the situation you described just to push me up a little.
Nobody answered last night @Bluesky so I hope your night went ok. I don’t use Guardian or anything like it (just a pump user) but personally I’d never go to bed in the 4s. No matter how clever the technology, in my opinion it’s not worth the risk. My blood sugar is pretty stable over night but even then I like to go to bed in the 5s minimum and wake in the 5s too. So I’d have eaten a small amount of carbs in the situation you described just to push me up a little.
Thank you.
Old habits die hard so I did what I’d always do pre sensor and ate a 9g cereal bar before bed. Woke up with BG of 5.6 and steady all night.
Nobody answered last night @Bluesky so I hope your night went ok. I don’t use Guardian or anything like it (just a pump user) but personally I’d never go to bed in the 4s. No matter how clever the technology, in my opinion it’s not worth the risk. My blood sugar is pretty stable over night but even then I like to go to bed in the 5s minimum and wake in the 5s too. So I’d have eaten a small amount of carbs in the situation you described just to push me up a little.
I guess we all have different techniques that work for us.
I am "happy" to go to bed with y levels in the 4s if they are stable and not falling - oh the joys of a CGM to be able to tell the direction of the trends.
I stave off a potential hypo by suspending my basal for 15 or 30 minutes.
I used the same technique during the day and it helps me limit my hypos.

This works well for me because I don't like eating at night and I never feel like eating when my levels are low.
I’m ok with 4s during the day @helli , it’s the night that I’m cautious about - or rather, being asleep. However, I know you have a fab set-up with your pump and CGM. Perhaps I would feel similar if I had a similar set-up to you. I have tried to imagine it many times over the years, dreaming about affording Dexcom, imagining the perfect looping components. I do think I’d still be anxious though if it was the low 4s.

As you say, we all have to balance what we’re personally happy with 🙂
Thank you.
Old habits die hard so I did what I’d always do pre sensor and ate a 9g cereal bar before bed. Woke up with BG of 5.6 and steady all night.

Sounds ideal and like you did the right thing @Bluesky 🙂
Hi @Bluesky

Sorry to have missed your post last night, but glad you found a way to sort It.
I think I would have done the same as you did especially as I know that the smartguard will keep me in range overnight, and the small snack would avoid the ‘Lowest delivery over six hours’ alarm asking for BG. One of the biggest benefitsI am finding with smart guard is the sleep I now get.

If I have a later meal than usual, or out and uncertain of the carbs I can rely on the pump dealing with the wobble and then settling down into a nice flat line. Having said that it did take some time to get settled and in the early weeks of switching over I had loads of alarms and a lot less sleep. I even abandoned it and went back to the Combo for a few weeks over Christmas and then tried again, with a lot more patience and success. It is worth sticking with it.

It takes time to trust it and let it do its job but I would say it is worth it in the end.
I definitely think about Diabetes a lot less now.

Come back with any questions, irritations, tips, ….
Absolutely agree with snacking at 4.1 - especially at night. With smartguard active, you’ve probably found that you don’t need so much of a carb boost as the reduction in basal will make its contribution eventually. 6-10g seems exactly right.

Well done!
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