Or better not to Google such sites. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will pick up your search, interpret that as an expression of interest, link that 'expression of interest' to a huge array of sites wanting to sell you stuff and set your account as an opportunity for the world to pester you to buy their stuff and for scammers to target you.
I bought a pair of trousers from Wowcher about 3 yrs ago. A huge mistake. Correct label inside for what I'd ordered, but no resemblance to the tried and trusted size I wanted! I tried and tried to return them and get my money back, but wrestled with questionnaires about what was actually wrong until eventually they said one of my answers had stated the product was OK and no return was possible. In practice the fixed questions provided no opportunity to explain the problem of wrong actual size. The label was correct so the trousers were correct as far as Wowcher were concerned!! Wowcher's techniques make the DVLA ambiguities in its licence renewal process seem acceptable. It took a further 3+ months to get Wowcher emails, notifications and "appearances"within almost every Web search I made finally cleaned out of my phone and synced tablet. Their processes seem friendly and innocuous; WRONG. They are devious, pervasive and right on the cusp of fraudulent. AI makes it easy for them to do this - this is the price of technical progress.