Smart watch glucose monitoring

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have spent the last couple of years reversing my diagnosis of type 2 diabetes from 6.8 down to 5.9-6.1. This was done by losing 12kilos slowly, a careful diet, and either walking the dog or bicycling after meals to reduce the glucose spike. This was done with the help of the Libre 2 sensor and app to track my daily activity. This has been expensive but worth while. Recently I just do a month from time to time to check I’m still down in pre diabetic range.

Now I am looking at smart watch watches which claim to be able to read glucose levels and transfer them to an app either on tablets or laptop. Has anyone used one, and if so, which one and with what success?

I know the FDA in the US has not approved one yet, but that info is from last year and maybe progress has been made since.
There have been a few threads about these smart watches that claim they read BG. None of the threads are complimentary about them.
I am not sure many people are convinced they work which is a shame because it would be very convenient.
However, for now, their only use seems to be something to throw money at.
From what people on the forum have reported, they are are not reliable at best and most probably a total con as not able to read BG and just generate a BG reading randomly. Stick with your occasional Libre for now.
The technology doesn't yet seem to be sufficiently advanced for these 'smart watches' to work yet.
Come back in about five years' time, and ask again!
Now I am looking at smart watch watches which claim to be able to read glucose levels and transfer them to an app either on tablets or laptop. Has anyone used one, and if so, which one and with what success?

Unfortunately these non-invasive devices are unregulated, and cannot be relied upon to provide sufficiently accurate data for blood glucose management.

If you are after a more cost-effective method of occasionally checking you are still pottering along in range, then one of the more affordable glucose meters with cheaper strips seems a far better and more reliable option. You could just take a waking reading every month or few weeks to keep an eye on your baseline?

The Spirit Tee2, Gluco Navii, and Contour Blue are popular with self-funders on the forum.

The expiry date on a pot of 50 strips is usually several years in the future.
The expiry date on a pot of 50 strips is usually several years in the future.
My test strips expire 6 months after opening, most brands tend to be 3-6 months after opening I think
My test strips expire 6 months after opening, most brands tend to be 3-6 months after opening I think
The pot I'm almost through has an expiry date of 12/2024 and the two boxes I bought last week have an expiry date of 02/2025.
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The pot I'm almost through has an expiry date of 12/2024 ands the two boxes I bought last week have an expiry date of 02/2025.
If you read the leaflet in the box or check on manufacturers website or manual it will tell you how long you can use them for after opening the pot. It’s 180 days for mine.
If you read the leaflet in the box or check on manufacturers website or manual it will tell you how long you can use them for after opening the pot. It’s 180 days for mine.
The leaflet in my box (Contour Plus Blue) only says "do not use strips after the expiry date" (which in the case of the current pot is 31 Aug 2025)
The leaflet in my box (Contour Plus Blue) only says "do not use strips after the expiry date" (which in the case of the current pot is 31 Aug 2025)
Mine (Gluco Rx Q) says that too but in any case it's irrelevant as a pot of 50 only lasts me 3 weeks at best.
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I have spent the last couple of years reversing my diagnosis of type 2 diabetes from 6.8 down to 5.9-6.1. This was done by losing 12kilos slowly, a careful diet, and either walking the dog or bicycling after meals to reduce the glucose spike. This was done with the help of the Libre 2 sensor and app to track my daily activity. This has been expensive but worth while. Recently I just do a month from time to time to check I’m still down in pre diabetic range.

Now I am looking at smart watch watches which claim to be able to read glucose levels and transfer them to an app either on tablets or laptop. Has anyone used one, and if so, which one and with what success?

I know the FDA in the US has not approved one yet, but that info is from last year and maybe progress has been made since.
It seems at the moment with this watch reader “tech” you’d get a more accurate reading licking the back of your wrist?
Mine says that too but in any case it's irrelevant as a pot of 50 only lasts me 3 weeks at best.
It might have been relevant to the strips I carry around in my handbag (with meter of course!) as they only get used rarely
It might have been relevant to the strips I carry around in my handbag (with meter of course!) as they only get used rarely
Mine says 180 days so I have changed to pots of 25 strips to ensure I don’t need to check what date I opened them
I had no idea you could get pots of 25 strips! Useful to know.

I tend not to worry about how long they have been opened as I am not using them for dosing, just to double check Libre if I am suspicious of it and I usually get about 3 pots twice or sometimes 3 times a year, so I doubt I am going over 180 days per pot. I tend to go through at least 25% more strips than I should actually need simply because my meter dies mid test if it is not warm enough and sometimes I want to do a check straight away rather than wait 10 mins whilst it warms up down my bra! 🙄
i have the kinetic blood glucose meter which i only have great things to say its a great bit of kit it came with 25 strips brand new when i purchased it back in February this year to help me get to grips with my diabetes and costs £25.00 for 100 strips which i think is descent as i'm self funded .
100 strips (2 x 50) on Amazon for my Gluco Rx Q meter cost me £21.66 last week (no shipping costs as I collect from the Amazon locker at our local Morrisons) but oddly enough I got an email from Diabetic Supply just this morning saying that they're running a 3 for 2 offer on those strips in May, so that's where my next lot's coming from.
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