Slugs cause high BG!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Woke up this morning to find a slug on the cooker.... not the best way to start a Monday morning, but also I'm quite phobic of slugs (silly I know!). So my heart started racing and I was sweating loads, but managed to steel myself to flip it onto a piece of card and then outside. It took ages for the adrenaline to stop, but I was qute proud of myself!

I checked BG 2 hours after breakfast and was at 11.3, so took a correction. Then I tried to conquer my slug phobia by looking at pictures of them on the internet, but that brought back all the adrenaline.... checked an hour later and I'd gone up to 12.3!😱

Just wondering if anyone else has silly phobias that raise BG?

Also, how can I deal with it? Unfortunately the kitchen is damp, and we do start to get slugs this time of year. I've put slug pellets outside and cleaned everywhere inside with disinfectant, but if anyone has a coping tip for dealing with their fears I would like to hear suggestions!:D
You could drop salt onto slugs in your kitchen to kill them. Might make them easier to handle dead than alive. By the way, I've never tested effect of slug slime on skin on blood glucose - anyone else know?!? We try to catch as many slugs and snails as possible - usually around dusk with head torches - to feed to our ducks as bedtime snacks.
Slugs are mental. Why on earth do they come into my house when there must be so much more food for them outside? I regularly have slug trails across the rug in my front room, and I finally caught the one in the kitchen that climbs up the cord from my washing machine to get to the hob. Why? It's completely devoid of anything but enamel! Stupid creatures!

I don't like them either, although they don't frighten me, just disgust me I suppose. Try to think of them as homeless snails and maybe you'll feel more kindly towards them 🙂

p.s. I know the word for slug in 14 languages. When I first went to Russia I was in a hostel with students from all over Europs, so before I went I decided to learn one word in as many languages as I could. I chose slug because I thought it would make people laugh if the only word I knew was that - and it worked! :D
That's quite quirky, Northerner! I can say "Hello" and "Dumpling" in Chinese, always a useful combination.

When I first got diabetes I was living in a ground floor flat which had slugs in the bathroom at night (I'm starting to think all Newcastle housing is slug-ridden - never had a problem anywhere else I lived!). I remember getting to bursting point trying not to pee at night as I had visions of treading on one in the dark.

I've thrown some salt down the back of the cooker for good measure!
This thread is mad but I love it :D but yeah slugs disgusting creatures 😱
eurgh!! We get slugs too. I almost stood on one once. Makes me shiver just writing about it. But at the moment it looks like I've evicted the last one. Fingers crossed.
eurgh!! We get slugs too. I almost stood on one once. Makes me shiver just writing about it. But at the moment it looks like I've evicted the last one. Fingers crossed.

A friend of mine once found one in her kettle! 😱 There is actually an old Norfolk recipe which involves sauteeing a great black in butter, a bit like the French escargots...

Actually this thread has made me feel better, knowing it's not just my house that gets invaded!
LOL I grew up in a house that was invaded by slugs every night, and in the last year have moved into a house with the same problem! Can't stand the things.

The way I keep them out is to lay a trail of table salt round the edge of the rooms, just under the carpet or right up against the skirting board. Slugs can't cross salt, it dissolves them in a highly unpleasant way, works a treat!
Many years ago I used to work in a bar which had slugs. I'd come in in the morning and they would be writhing around drunk in the slops tray. 😱 Oh disgusting! I used to beg the owner to make sure it was empty at night but he never did (probably to wind me up). I used to wretch emptying it every morning:(
I don't know about raising BGs because I haven't actually seen one in many years, but I can't stay in the same room as a Daddy long legs. I'm absolutely, screaming hysterically, terrified of them. Which is ridiculous because they're utterly harmless. Apparently one landed on my face when I was a baby.

Slugs are disgusting, so are Silverfish, but I'm not afraid of them.
Ugh! I'd forgotten about silverfish! I don't have them in this house, but have in previous places.
Ugh! I'd forgotten about silverfish! I don't have them in this house, but have in previous places.

Don't get them up here thanks heavens, too cold. But a flat I lived in in Battersea was infested with them. I didn't stay there very long...😱
the best way to get rid of slugs is put a saucer of beer outside your house and it will attract them and kill them then the magpies will have a great feast
That's brill! Thanks, Northerner!

I feel loads better actually, knowing that other people have sluggy problems too. I'm trying to think of them like the cartoon ones in "Flushed away" which are scared of rats but can't escape.

Also tonight I found the one from yesterday morning - I'd just lobbed it out of the back door not caring where it landed. Tonight I found it, dead... it had landed in one of my plant pots which I protect from slugs with copper tape. So I guess it couldn't get out of the pot because of the tape, and so dehydrated in the sun yesterday! DEATH TO THE SLUGS!!!!!
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