Slow digestion

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well just about to turn in for the night and my BG is 4.6 and I still haven't had all my bolus for my evening meal and despite splitting my dose I've been borderline hypo a couple of times this evening. If this persists I wonder if it might be worth asking about a slower acting insulin than novo rapid for the evenings? Breakfast and lunch are Ok and it can't be excessive basal because I don't use any. Let's see what my levels are like overnight . Hasta mañana mis amigos diabeticos.
Whereabouts do you inject, Khskel? I got caught out the other way last night, when I whacked my novorapid into my thigh rather than my tum. ( perils of doing basal and Bolus jabs at the same time) The novo took so long to get going I had a massive spike, and finally hypoed at 2 am. I think I'm right in saying @Northerner found similar when he had impossible hypos ( because he doesn't use basal either) when he was injecting novorapid into his butt. We don't need it to absorb slowly, but maybe playing with injection sites might slow its action down for you when you need it.
Whereabouts do you inject, Khskel? I got caught out the other way last night, when I whacked my novorapid into my thigh rather than my tum. ( perils of doing basal and Bolus jabs at the same time) The novo took so long to get going I had a massive spike, and finally hypoed at 2 am. I think I'm right in saying @Northerner found similar when he had impossible hypos ( because he doesn't use basal either) when he was injecting novorapid into his butt. We don't need it to absorb slowly, but maybe playing with injection sites might slow its action down for you when you need it.
Good point!
I have the same problem. My sugar levels are unusually low at the moment. Getting a lot of hypos because of it. I've had a bout of sickness which I put down to a virus but now I'm beginning to think I might have gastroparesis or something. It's getting to the point where I'm eating loads of biscuits to raise my sugar levels and maybe getting a rise by a couple of units. At this rate will have to stop taking insulin and become magically cured of diabetes.
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