Slimming world

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi hope everyone is having a good Sunday, does anyone on here go to slimming world? If so is it ok for diabetes as they encourage lots of pasta rice and potatoes? I need to lose about 2-3 stones
Hopefully they encourage lots of veg too? You’d need to focus more on the veg than the pasta, rice and potatoes, but everything is okay in moderation. You just need to watch the portion sizes of carbs to see how they affect your blood sugar.
Slimming World seem to concentrate on low calorie (unfortunately this often means high carb) you’ll just have to test and see what of those foods you can handle.Like @Lucyr said everything is okay in moderation
No it's not high carb at all, loads of salads veggies protein, basically you only eat foods that you want or like. Only know this aa wife did diet 4 years ago & now losely follows maintenance diet.
I believe SW offer whatever type of diet you want which I think is ridiculous but there you go. They tend to be inline with the 'Calorie' camp rather than 'Carb camp. That means the Carb content could be too high. You can always just follow a low carb diet without the SW cost but the opportunity to meet others who are dieting may be an advantage.
I did low fat, low calorie, then very low calorie, so it worked for me.
I didn't do slimming world, but did select carbs that were low GI
I believe SW offer whatever type of diet you want which I think is ridiculous but there you go. They tend to be inline with the 'Calorie' camp rather than 'Carb camp. That means the Carb content could be too high. You can always just follow a low carb diet without the SW cost but the opportunity to meet others who are dieting may be an advantage.
I did Slimming World in the days when you could choose RED days mostly meat or GREEN days which were mostly carby meals. I lost weight if I had more RED days than GREEN. But I found it hard to eat the amount of food they wanted you to have, the 'consultant' as they called them kept saying I wasn't losing weight because I wasn't eating enough. This was pre any diabetes diagnosis but I suspect I may always have been on the brink.
There are a number of members who have used either SlimmingWorld, Weight Watchers or another diet plan over the years, and experiences seem to vary. The most important thing seems to be to find a plan or approach that works for you as an individual, and motivates you to keep going. Being part of a group can be helpful for that.

You might like to compare some of the experiences in these threads:

Sometimes people also refer to these with the shorthand SW or WW, but the forum search function is too scared to search for such small words!
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