Slimming world.

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
So today is my 2nd day and I have lowered my carbs and have walked 3 miles on both days. I have been on slimming world for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6lb but until I get back to a meeting I’m finding it challenging to combine the 2. Has anyone else have any experience with diabetes and slimming world?
My take is that like almost all weight loss programmes Slimming World is a repeat business.
You starve yourself for a while and lose a little weight, you slowly start to re-introduce real food and you put the weight back on (often with a bit more for good measure).
A few months or years later you go back to Slimming World to repeat the process.
They make some money and have a customer for life.
Weight watchers is much the same.
A few hardy souls have success but the vast majority are doomed to failure.

Instead start to focus on satiating, single ingredient foods freshly cooked.
Cut right back on carbohydrates and watch the weight fall off fairly effortlessly and your blood glucose levels plummet...
So today is my 2nd day and I have lowered my carbs and have walked 3 miles on both days. I have been on slimming world for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6lb but until I get back to a meeting I’m finding it challenging to combine the 2. Has anyone else have any experience with diabetes and slimming world?
As you are in the prediabetes zone than some modest changes to your diet should be sufficient, Some of the Slimming World meals may well be fine by choosing dishes without potatoes, rice or pasta or having a reduced portion and bulking out with low carb veg and salads.
Our consultant should be able to tailor a program suitable for your Type 2 prediabetes diagnosis.
Having a blood glucose monitor would enable you to test how you tolerate the suggested meals. I would think there would be no problem substituting lower carb ingredients when you cook the meals or if you are having the ready meals then choose lower carb ones.
It all depends on your objectives, really.
By eating low carb I fixed problems with blood glucose levels in days, and then lots of other things improved, and I eventually realised that I had lost quite a lot of weight - I had become just enormous on the grains and low fat diet the GP and his minions insisted I follow.
In the past I have tried low calorie diets and all failed, but for some people they work all the time they are losing weight, but there is no follow up with advice on maintenance levels and methods to keep the weight stable. I must have gone to most of the diet clubs at one time - I threw out a huge heap of literature, recipe books and glossy brochures a few years ago.
Many that claim a particular diet will be a yo yo diet seem to yo yo no matter what they are on.

The only way is to do what suits you, what is sustainable, and not be put off by those on here that tell you it doesn't work for them.
A lot on here have had great success with Slimming World.
So today is my 2nd day and I have lowered my carbs and have walked 3 miles on both days. I have been on slimming world for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6lb but until I get back to a meeting I’m finding it challenging to combine the 2. Has anyone else have any experience with diabetes and slimming world?

Well done on weight loss so far.

Around 5 years ago wife was in same predicament, told she was prediabetic & needed to do something about it, told her about Newcastle Diet & how losing weight, mainly visceral fat can reverse condition, so she joined local SW group & went on to lose 5 stone, since then all bloods have been normal.
Hi there! I did SW for some years and initially it was great, I lost about 2 stone in total, but then hit a plateau which I just couldn’t seem to get past. But as I am on insulin it is a matter of balancing that and gradually reducing to match what you are eating. My main problem with SW is that although some foods are classed as being “free”, you really do need to watch portion sizes and reduce those as you lose weight. A large plateful of pasta is loads of carbs and will cause your BG to rise.

But, definitely worth a go and it is a nice varied, healthy diet. Just be aware to gradually reduce your portion sizes, particularly of carbs as you lose weight. Good luck with your journey!
As you are in the prediabetes zone than some modest changes to your diet should be sufficient, Some of the Slimming World meals may well be fine by choosing dishes without potatoes, rice or pasta or having a reduced portion and bulking out with low carb veg and salads.
Our consultant should be able to tailor a program suitable for your Type 2 prediabetes diagnosis.
Having a blood glucose monitor would enable you to test how you tolerate the suggested meals. I would think there would be no problem substituting lower carb ingredients when you cook the meals or if you are having the ready meals then choose lower carb ones.
thank you, yes I did think about looking for lower carb meals, maybe this is the way forward until my next slimming world meeting.
My take is that like almost all weight loss programmes Slimming World is a repeat business.
You starve yourself for a while and lose a little weight, you slowly start to re-introduce real food and you put the weight back on (often with a bit more for good measure).
A few months or years later you go back to Slimming World to repeat the process.
They make some money and have a customer for life.
Weight watchers is much the same.
A few hardy souls have success but the vast majority are doomed to failure.

Instead start to focus on satiating, single ingredient foods freshly cooked.
Cut right back on carbohydrates and watch the weight fall off fairly effortlessly and your blood glucose levels plummet...
It all depends on your objectives, really.
By eating low carb I fixed problems with blood glucose levels in days, and then lots of other things improved, and I eventually realised that I had lost quite a lot of weight - I had become just enormous on the grains and low fat diet the GP and his minions insisted I follow.
In the past I have tried low calorie diets and all failed, but for some people they work all the time they are losing weight, but there is no follow up with advice on maintenance levels and methods to keep the weight stable. I must have gone to most of the diet clubs at one time - I threw out a huge heap of literature, recipe books and glossy brochures a few years ago.
Thank you for your advice.
Well done on weight loss so far.

Around 5 years ago wife was in same predicament, told she was prediabetic & needed to do something about it, told her about Newcastle Diet & how losing weight, mainly visceral fat can reverse condition, so she joined local SW group & went on to lose 5 stone, since then all bloods have been normal.
Thank you so much this has given me great hope as I find SW more of a change in life style rather than a diet as such
I have a couple of SW recipe books which i sometimes use but find the carbs they recommend are far too high. I use the recipes and reduce the pasta/rice/potato amount to suit me. However being type 1 i have a little more flexibility using insulin. I find Pinch of Nom recipes are good if you want to watch what you're eating.
I am Type 1 and lost 4 stone with Slimming World. I have no experience of any other Weight Loss programmes but managed Sw - it took me almost a year to lose the weight as I did it slowly being very mindful of diabetes. I have been in target range for 4 years now & am still mindful of the SW mantra - it's not a diet it's a way of life.
The only problems I encountered were in the 1st few weeks - had quite a few hypos - dietician/dsn were no help. Realised myself it was due to massive reduction in fat in my diet which was resulting in carbs being absorbed more quickly.
It does not have to be high carbs as what you eat is up to you. I did, however, identify quite a few empty calories which I ate as habit (eg butter on sandwiches )
I found exercise did not have much impact with weight loss as I had to eat more to do it! Being active, though did help eg cleaning windows, gardening etc
My insulin doses were reduced when I lost weight - I set my target for BMI rather than weight. Good luck - it's worth persevering
Thank you so much this has given me great hope as I find SW more of a change in life style rather than a diet as such

Glad you’ve got some encouragement from the thread @Sheryl3F

Good that you have seen some steady weight loss already, and viewing it as a change in lifestyle seems the best way to maintain your weight loss when you enter a maintenance phase. 6lbs already seems an excellent result!

What did you mean by “finding it challenging to combine the two”?
My take is that like almost all weight loss programmes Slimming World is a repeat business.
You starve yourself for a while and lose a little weight, you slowly start to re-introduce real food and you put the weight back on (often with a bit more for good measure).
A few months or years later you go back to Slimming World to repeat the process.
They make some money and have a customer for life.
Weight watchers is much the same.
A few hardy souls have success but the vast majority are doomed to failure.

Instead start to focus on satiating, single ingredient foods freshly cooked.
Cut right back on carbohydrates and watch the weight fall off fairly effortlessly and your blood glucose levels plummet...
My experience with SW was before I was T2. I lost 3stone in a year on it but then it stopped working and whilst doing the same diet I found my body fighting to put it back on again no matter what I did. Then I had car accident no 2!...Car accident no 1 had left me with fibro and on meds that cause weight gain and insulin resistance...and I had to increase these because of the massive flare up the car accident no 2 had caused...and so the weight piled back on SW mantra....drugs do not cause weight an absolute lie....I am putting my nursey lecturer hat on here...many drugs do especially anti depressants and mood altering drugs...there are clinical papers about it causing T2 as SW leave those who are on these drugs to struggle and will point the finger at people who do not lose 'enough', So SW is only as healthy as you make it. Take what members say with a grain of salt. Many have no clue about good nutrition. You will find more knowledge here than at SW the diet preaches carbs that are too high for most people .
I am Type 1 and lost 4 stone with Slimming World. I have no experience of any other Weight Loss programmes but managed Sw - it took me almost a year to lose the weight as I did it slowly being very mindful of diabetes. I have been in target range for 4 years now & am still mindful of the SW mantra - it's not a diet it's a way of life.
The only problems I encountered were in the 1st few weeks - had quite a few hypos - dietician/dsn were no help. Realised myself it was due to massive reduction in fat in my diet which was resulting in carbs being absorbed more quickly.
It does not have to be high carbs as what you eat is up to you. I did, however, identify quite a few empty calories which I ate as habit (eg butter on sandwiches )
I found exercise did not have much impact with weight loss as I had to eat more to do it! Being active, though did help eg cleaning windows, gardening etc
My insulin doses were reduced when I lost weight - I set my target for BMI rather than weight. Good luck - it's worth persevering

Well done you, 4 stone in 1 year is some achievement.
So today is my 2nd day and I have lowered my carbs and have walked 3 miles on both days. I have been on slimming world for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6lb but until I get back to a meeting I’m finding it challenging to combine the 2. Has anyone else have any experience with diabetes and slimming world?
So today is my 2nd day and I have lowered my carbs and have walked 3 miles on both days. I have been on slimming world for the past 2 weeks and have lost 6lb but until I get back to a meeting I’m finding it challenging to combine the 2. Has anyone else have any experience with diabetes and slimming world?
I have been on many diets over the years and have been a long term member of SW losing over three stone. When I was initially diagnosed with diabetes type 2 I was very keen on low carb and gradually learnt that over time when you learn what you can and can’t tolerate you can follow the very healthy SW plan, which is not a diet, lose weight and control sugar levels. Member often need to reduce medication because they are so successful. You are very new in your SW journey but aske your consultant about the leaflet on SW and diabetes
Glad you found it such a helpful approach @SparkJack 🙂
I have been on many diets over the years and have been a long term member of SW losing over three stone. When I was initially diagnosed with diabetes type 2 I was very keen on low carb and gradually learnt that over time when you learn what you can and can’t tolerate you can follow the very healthy SW plan, which is not a diet, lose weight and control sugar levels. Member often need to reduce medication because they are so successful. You are very new in your SW journey but aske your consultant about the leaflet on SW and diabetes
i agree I think the problem is the freedom of SW. If I used it again I would do it on line, people winde me up! Sw is only as healthy as you make it. You can make it low carb and healthy but many fail to see it and the SYNS are often mis spent. For instance their book suggests having 'healthy syns' and showed avocado....well I love avocado...when I commented I was eating half an avocado with breakfast even the SW leader bawked at idea all that fat and syns! I said yes but its healthy fats....yes she said but I replied ( having heard all the conversations about Saturday nights at the pub) 'well I don't drink but you ALL know how many syns in a G&T' That shut them up lol!
Thank you. I still use SW principles in order to maintain weight. Health benefits were the motivation but smaller dress size is great too!

Wife still follows SW principles but not fully, but it is something you could follow for life to maintain weight & good health.
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