Slimming World Diabetes Diet question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good morning all

My boss and friend has just joined slimming world and is doing really well, she knows I am losing weight too and told me they have a diabetes diet as well. I have just read up on it and whilst it helps weight loss it includes a lot of carbs so I am confused as to how this works. A diabetic has shared their story and diet here and they seem to have a lot of pasta which is something I couldnt eat, the focus just appears to be on weight loss rather than removing foods that cause sugar spikes.

Has anyone else managed to get their type 2 diabetes in remission by losing weight but not reducing carbs, it seems strange but if it works then thats good as the door to eating other food groups is a little wider.

Personally I have had a lot of success by cutting down significantly on carbs so it would feel like a step backwards to follow this diet but I am also intrigued if it would work.
In the early days I cut out things which took me into the mid teens like bread, pasta, melon but as I lost weight & my glucose regulation sorted itself out, carbs ceased to matter very much & I started to add things back.

Now I eat lots & lots of carbs & everything is just peachy 🙂
It is one of these things that is going to be very individual and could only be something that YOU could determine by using your monitor. You may find the SW may be OK but with some substitutions for some of the higher carb foods.
Years ago, they had a system that was red (meat/fish based) or green days (more carby veggie), I preferred the green but lost more weight on the red days. I know it is all different now.
It is one of these things that is going to be very individual and could only be something that YOU could determine by using your monitor. You may find the SW may be OK but with some substitutions for some of the higher carb foods.
Years ago, they had a system that was red (meat/fish based) or green days (more carby veggie), I preferred the green but lost more weight on the red days. I know it is all different now.
I remember the green and red days, like you I preferred the green as I dont really like meat or fish, both my parents were vegetarian and my sister is vegan so for a while my diet although had some meat, I enjoyed loads of veggie meals and seem to lean towards that why, I love cheese, can tolerate eggs and a little chicken but having to force myself to eat fish etc to make sure I get enough protein as I dont eat the cheese anymore due to cholesterol issues. I was looking at my nutri check and realise I am never hitting the correct daily amount for protein but as my daily amount for fat in particular sat fats and calories is almost at the top its really hard to find a high protein snack for about 100 cal without carbs or salt or sugar thats not meat or fish. I am eating greek yoghurt now, but noticed on the days I have it my sat fat level goes into the red (not entirely the yoghurt at fault (vegan sausages had a lot of fat i didnt realise)...but for an example yesterday I had the following

1300 cals (100 over)
60.8 g fat (112 percent)
22,8g sat fat (132 percent)
89 grams of carbs
56 grams of sugar including over 50 percent from veg
23.8 g of fibre - well below my daily requirement
93 grams of protein - so under by 20 percent
3 grams of salt - which is good

But by eating the following I had already eaten too many calories without fulfilling the other nutrients

Greek yoghurt and cherries with my benecol drink - 28 carbs - 396 cal
Tomato and basil soup - 16 carbs - 160 cal
Chicken breast with carrots, cauliflower and brocolli, 10 cal jelly, 13 carbs - 380 cal
Cashew nuts - 6 carbs - 147 cal
deli rustic slice of bread, with peanut butter - 229 cal - 25 carbs

I had eaten over my calorie allowance managed to keep under my carbs of 100 a day but my protein was really not good. Is there a supplement I can take to add protein?
You can get some nice vegetarian protein powders now. Funktional Foods do a Pea Protein powder which is 81g protein per 100g, with only 5.4g fat (1.1 of which saturates). I used to quite like it in smoothies/milkshakes (not tried since starting to check sugars as I used to put banana in which acted as the main sweetening ingredient, other ingredients would be milk, cocoa or cacao powder and other fruit or spinach) but it would be easy to add a bit to your soup or similar.
You could also consider checking labels of Greek style yoghurts to see if you can find a lower fat one which doesn't have sugar added to replace it, if you want to reduce your fat intake without otherwise significantly changing your diet
Kvarg deserts or high protein yoghurts Arla or Brooklea are low carb, low fat and high protein. Various flavours but you can have berries with them.
Good morning all

My boss and friend has just joined slimming world and is doing really well, she knows I am losing weight too and told me they have a diabetes diet as well. I have just read up on it and whilst it helps weight loss it includes a lot of carbs so I am confused as to how this works. A diabetic has shared their story and diet here and they seem to have a lot of pasta which is something I couldnt eat, the focus just appears to be on weight loss rather than removing foods that cause sugar spikes.

Has anyone else managed to get their type 2 diabetes in remission by losing weight but not reducing carbs, it seems strange but if it works then thats good as the door to eating other food groups is a little wider.

Personally I have had a lot of success by cutting down significantly on carbs so it would feel like a step backwards to follow this diet but I am also intrigued if it would work.

I concentrated mainly on cutting fats, working with an NHS dietician to lose weight.
Weight was my problem, the diabetes was just something it brought with it.

I certainly dropped all the donuts, cakes, biscuits, sweets, chocolate, as the focus was on dropping empty calories.
I think when you drop those, you find most carbs are reduced significantly anyway.
Initially I did test, and we just swapped out items that did particularly spike me from the rest.
I also switched onto brown and healthy versions of carbs, from the highly processed white ones.
I never really liked pasta, so that wasn't an issue!
SW has fair bit of flexibility, only know this as wife did it 4 years ago after being told she was borderline diabetic.

Her diet wasn't carb heavy neither was it on low side, she only tried few SW recipes & adapted meals herself using SW principles, it worked as she lost 5 stone & bloods since have all been normal.
We were in ICELAND this morning and I glanced at the SW meals and there were quite a few that didn't look too bad for carbs, it would be a matter of looking at the portion size and adding lots of salad or veg. They may be a good standby.
I think you will find most diet companies offer a range of 'diets all with a high'ish carb content. There appears to be little science behind what they offer and bear in mind they want to keep you as a customer....
We’ve had a number of members over the years who have found SW and WW to be helpful frameworks to assist with their weight loss and/or diabetes management. Some have needed to adjust and adapt the suggested menus to find the choices within the systems that also help their BG management as part of that.

I guess it’s about finding solutions that work for you as an individual 🙂
I think ww has a diabetes version of the plan. From what I can tell their approach is to take some carby foods off their zero points lists (and maybe add some more points onto your plan).
Technically could still carb binge if you wanted to I guess?
I was Slimming World slimmer of the year in our local region 2019, got my 5st award, was about to be interviewed for their magazine when Covid hit.

I did it by completely ignoring their Syn free high carb food advice & ploughing my own low carb furrow. I used the place as a calibrated weighing scales, nothing else.
I was Slimming World slimmer of the year in our local region 2019, got my 5st award, was about to be interviewed for their magazine when Covid hit.

I did it by completely ignoring their Syn free high carb food advice & ploughing my own low carb furrow. I used the place as a calibrated weighing scales, nothing else.
I suppose if you are using the scheme for motivation and a regular weigh in and making those substitutions that is a good way. Did you admit you were deviating from the plan.
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