Slim Fast? Protein shakes in general?


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I'm new to insulin for type 2 and have been struggling with "on the go" meals whilst I drive long distances for work. Has anyone had any experience with Slim Fast? or another protein shake?
According to slim fast packaging (vanilla) has 21.6g of carbs 12.8g are sugar, 15g protein - would this be ok or am I likely to spike?
We’ve had a few who have experimented with various shakes and soups as part of the NHS programme / Newcastle diet.

I think there are other alternatives that aren’t as sugary as the SlimFast ones?

Maybe have a browse of some of the Soup / Shake / Newcastle / Oviva threads here for others’ experiences?

We’ve had a few who have experimented with various shakes and soups as part of the NHS programme / Newcastle diet.

I think there are other alternatives that aren’t as sugary as the SlimFast ones?

Maybe have a browse of some of the Soup / Shake / Newcastle / Oviva threads here for others’ experiences?

Would those be suitable for someone taking insulin?
We’ve had a few who have experimented with various shakes and soups as part of the NHS programme / Newcastle diet.

I think there are other alternatives that aren’t as sugary as the SlimFast ones?

Maybe have a browse of some of the Soup / Shake / Newcastle / Oviva threads here for others’ experiences?

But only with support of your medical team to adjust your insulin unless very confident doing this yourself.
If considering the ready made bottles of slimfast you may want to check the label. The ones I bought contain maltodextrin which may cause a blood glucose spike in some people.
I'd have thought such an ultra processed food would tend to release its carbs into the body quickly, but the only way to find out is via checking with a finger prick test/cgm.
But only with support of your medical team to adjust your insulin unless very confident doing this yourself.

Ah good spot @Lucyr - I hadn’t noticed the mention of insulin in @Nell83’s signature!
Ah good spot @Lucyr - I hadn’t noticed the mention of insulin in @Nell83’s signature!
Thats ok the post opened with “I'm new to insulin for type 2” which made me wonder if they know how to manage changing insulin needs with a drastic diet change like a meal replacement diet.