Slightly Confused

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Andy HB

Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just had a strange couple of days.

Yesterday evening I scoffed my way through three medium sized bananas, just after a couple of slices of home-made bread. I have absolutely no idea why I did that! Anyway, because of that I tested before going to bed (about 2hrs after the last banana) and was 7.5mmol/L. OK, not too bad then (but no doubt was on the way down from something a lot higher). I didn't exercise in the evening that day, but did have a 1hr walk after lunch.

Today, I've been a much better behaved chap (but probably because I don't have any bananas left). Just straight porage for breakfast (a bit more than usual, because I usually have a banana with it) with a small glass of orange juice. Lunch was some nice vegetable soup plus a couple of clementines. Then, evening meal was a large piece of smoked haddock, three small new potatoes, carrot, peas, broad beans. Followed by two smallish apples and a couple of pieces of freshly made fruity spelt loaf with a scraping of very low fat olive spread. I also had a teaspoon of some New Zealand Thyme Honey (also a component of the fruity spelt loaf).

Exercise consisted of a cycle ride to Uxbridge and back just after lunch (about 4 miles round trip) plus a 10km (6 mile-ish) row on my rowing machine an hour after the evening meal.

Anyway, and sorry for the detail here, I had a pee about half an hour ago (about 3hrs since my evening meal) and it smelt odd (actually, a bit like the honey I'd tried!). So I thought, uh oh! Tested myself again --> only 4.7mmol/L!!

Is it feasible for honey, eaten around 3 hrs earlier to affect the smell of urine? Or can anyone suggest whether something else is happening? I feel fine (but was cramping up towards the end of the row, but am perfectly OK now).

Also, as a diet only controlled type 2, would anyone do anything about the reading of 4.7?

Sorry for the long post.

Andy 🙂
Was your pee dark in colour as well Andy?

Sorry for asking just it could be de-hydration
It was actually quite pale this time.

I have also noticed that it can vary in colour quite a lot though.

I do drink quite regularly through the day. Mostly coffee (probably 3 or 4 pints), but have a pint of tap water after each exercise. So overall, it's a regular intake of between 4 and 6 pints of liquid each day.
It was actually quite pale this time.

I have also noticed that it can vary in colour quite a lot though.

I do drink quite regularly through the day. Mostly coffee (probably 3 or 4 pints), but have a pint of tap water after each exercise. So overall, it's a regular intake of between 4 and 6 pints of liquid each day.

How weird, you have good control as well so cant be that , and it is not often you have weird wee ?
How weird, you have good control as well so cant be that , and it is not often you have weird wee ?

I'd say that was true. That's why I suspect the honey more than anything else (it really did smell similar!).

Incidentally, I won't be buying New Zealand Thyme honey again! Scottish heather honey is greatly superior, in my opinion! 🙂
Hi Andy

I know from personal experience (and aren't I glad no-one can see our blushes on here) that certain foods cam make your wee smell so if everything else is in order, so to speak, it could well be down to an oddity in your own makeup!

Thyme is quite a pungent herb isn't it so maybe combined with other stuff it can have this effect. It is well know that asparagus can produce a pong but I have never had a problem but I have a love hate relationship with fish - I love it but........😉 Makes healthy eating a somewhat anti-social affair 😱
I've certainly experienced 'pungent pee' and I can usually track it down to something I've eaten - thedame mentioned asparagus which does have that sort of effect with me.

I can't say I've noticed the effect with honey but that's on my avoid list because testing indicates that even a small amount sends my BG to levels I'm not comfortable with.
Imagine the honey whiskey you could produce!
.........Also, as a diet only controlled type 2, would anyone do anything about the reading of 4.7?.........
Yes - I would do something! I'd smile to myself and feel very pleased indeed!
Hi Andy..I often go down to 4.0 after exercise. If I go any lower I have a couple of JB's as advised on here - i had a hypo moment even though only d/e a few weeks back.

Strange thread this -as had a conversation with hubby last night re how I had noticed very strong smelling urine smell after he has used bathroom - he agreed and classed it as sugar puffs smelling - i was wondering if this was anything to worry about too.
Thanks everyone. I'll put it down to the food then, rather than anything medical.

I've got an appointment with the liver/diabetes clinic in a week or two anyway and they'll no doubt be wanting yet more samples off me beforehand!

Andy 🙂
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