Sleepy mistake

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Any advice for someone who’s mistakenly injected 16u of NovaRapid instead of 16u Lantus. I’ve just eaten bread and jam, 2 bars of Turkish Delight and guzzled a can of Lucozade, but my glucose is still falling.
If it is any consolation we have all done it! In fact I did it last night but thankfully only 3.5 units.

Are you keeping track of the carbs you have had so far. When it is a big dose like that it really helps to work out roughly how many carbs you need to eat for that amount of NR and then tally up what you have eaten to see how far off your target you are. So if you have a 1:10 ratio on an evening then you are looking at munching your way through about 160g carbs.
Remember that NR works over about 4-5 hours, but the first couple of hours are when it is most active so you have a couple of hours at least to eat those 160 carbs. It is easy to panic and think they all need to go in at once, but try not to panic (especially as it can make you feel sick), you do have plenty of time to consume them.
Are you using Libre or other CGM to track your levels because it will show your levels as continuing to drop even when they are coming back up. It takes about half an hour to show levels rising when they have been on a downward trend, so it might reassure you to do a finger prick.
Any advice for someone who’s mistakenly injected 16u of NovaRapid instead of 16u Lantus. I’ve just eaten bread and jam, 2 bars of Turkish Delight and guzzled a can of Lucozade, but my glucose is still falling.
I did bolus instead of basal last week? Just treat the bolus. That’s all you can do. Tomorrow is just another day.the bolus should last another 5 hours.(with novo, at most.) Yep, I know it’s a pig.
Best wishes.
Forgot to say that I inject my correct basal insulin as soon as I realise my mistake as well as munching on carbs to soak up the fast acting stuff.

How are you getting on? Hope you are OK and levels are on the up now.

I would also set an alarm during the night for about 4 hours after you injected it when most of the of the NovoRapid will be spent, to wake up and check your levels.
I think it’s going to be a long night! I’m starting to feel uncomfortably full and must have eaten 160g carbs but my glucose is still falling - 4 at the moment. I have the Libre sensors and the alarm’s set at 4.5 so that’s something. Thanks for all your advice.
I think it’s going to be a long night! I’m starting to feel uncomfortably full and must have eaten 160g carbs but my glucose is still falling - 4 at the moment. I have the Libre sensors and the alarm’s set at 4.5 so that’s something. Thanks for all your advice.
Have you done a finger prick to double check Libre. It takes ages to register a change of trend from dropping to rising. A finger prick should give you some peace of mind that your levels are coming up.

Just thought.... if you are Type 3c do you take Creon and have you had some with your hypo treatments in order to digest them and release their glucose?
Hello @HiDeDi, Barbara, @rebrascora, is right, you are not the first; I did this about 3 weeks ago. I have NR and Tresiba with NovoNordisk Echo reusable pens in red and blue; you'd think they would be difficult to mix up! My Tresiba pen has got a gold star and some ridged multi- coloured bands on it to give it a tactile feel as well as a different colour; I just wasn't paying attention!

Apart from tonight's sleepy mistake, how are you generally getting on with your T3c management?
Have you done a finger prick to double check Libre. It takes ages to register a change of trend from dropping to rising. A finger prick should give you some peace of mind that your levels are coming up.

Just thought.... if you are Type 3c do you take Creon and have you had some with your hypo treatments in order to digest them and release their glucose?
Well I survived the night. My alarm kept going off, despite all the carbs, and that would have been good advice about taking Creon - had I remembered! My digestion is ropey now but hopefully it will settle. Glucose still a bit erratic, too.
Generally I cope well with Type 3, following a rough start with the wrong diagnosis. I take anything from 10,000iu to 50,000iu Creon with food, depending what I’m eating.
So relieved and thanks for the update, I have been checking all morning to see if you had posted but didn't want to badger you.
I think a single or even double hypo treatment might be OK without Creon because there is probably enough amylase in saliva, but once you get to needing lots of carbs to treat a huge overdose like that, then I imagine Creon is going to be much important, especially if you are eating chocolate which has fat as well. Hope your digestive system isn't too upset today after your obviously very necessary binge last night.
Pleased you escaped (survived) well enough last night. May I ask are you T3c from pancreatitis and how long have you been involved with this D malarkey?
I think most of us have done it at least once. Glad your okay.
Yup it is such a common mistake. Well done on managing this so well.

I managed to put the wrong insulin in my bolus pen and it was a weird day as I was only using basal. It took me a while to work out what I had done. I then got coloured pens: green for my Levemir and orange for my Novorapid. That helped, but I still made mistakes with basal- an opportunity to eat those things that you usually avoid.
Pleased you escaped (survived) well enough last night. May I ask are you T3c from pancreatitis and how long have you been involved with this D malarkey?
Thank you. To be honest I’m not too sure. I’ve been diabetic for 25yrs, initially my GP said I was type 2 and put me on Metformin which caused all kinds of problems. I became under-weight, anaemic (needing b12 injections) and eventually saw a specialist. He diagnosed malabsorption caused by (what’s left of) my pancreas and put me on Creon. I’ve had several bouts of pancreatitis over the years and it’s suspected this is what caused it.
Thank you. To be honest I’m not too sure. I’ve been diabetic for 25yrs, initially my GP said I was type 2 and put me on Metformin which caused all kinds of problems. I became under-weight, anaemic (needing b12 injections) and eventually saw a specialist. He diagnosed malabsorption caused by (what’s left of) my pancreas and put me on Creon. I’ve had several bouts of pancreatitis over the years and it’s suspected this is what caused it.

Worth asking specialist if they think you should have a Dexa Scan if you've been diagnosed with malabsorption, especially if this has been ongoing for some time.

Scan checks your bone density, had scan done myself after being diagnosed with EPI & my result was that my bones were in osteopenia stage, thereafter was started on a drug called Alendronic Acid & took calcium tabs each day for 5 years.
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