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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
does anyone else have problems sleeping

i can go to bed at 11pm and still be awake

at 5am

dr gave me something they worked for

a while and stopped

dont know if it has anything to do with diabetes but ive got the same problem just now as i am wakeing up around 4.30 5 am i put it down to the long days ie its light v early in the morning and also the weather
Have you discussed your lack of sleep with your doctor to try and establish why you aren't sleeping?

Pills are OK as a temporary fix, but shouldn't be relied upon for the longer term.

I'm going to turn this back to you though. Why do you think you can't get to sleep? Are you worried about something or are you just worried that you can't get to sleep (as paradoxical as that may sound!).

Andy 🙂
does anyone else have problems sleeping

i can go to bed at 11pm and still be awake

at 5am

dr gave me something they worked for

a while and stopped


Yes occassinally, and once or twice, haven't slept at all! Usually it's when I've got a lot on my mind - not necessarily worry - just a lot to think about. I don't take anything for it, but if I can't sleep, i get up, have some hot milk/tea, read etc. Sometimes I write things down, so I don't have to stay awake to remember them! If it happenend night after night, I'd go to the GP.
I have no problem getting to sleep i have trouble staying a sleep as im getting up to wee a lot during the night which im putting down to my diabetes, as previously mentioned are you worrying about something?? I would go back to the dr to see what they suggest ?? Pills may not be the answer?? Hope you get it sorted 🙂]
If it is because of the light that you are waking up early, try getting some extra thick or black out type curtains. We have some, the only thing we need is a pelmet atthe top, but they keep out a lot of the light.
I'm fortunate I'm retired so I can enjoy not sleeping, read, computer, sudoku all the things I don't have time for during the day. Used to have awful nights when the neuropathy as at its worst, now I have one good night of about 10 hours sleep and the following night I may have only 3 hours. My dog finds it hard to live with!
Hope you find a happy solution
Joan & Jay
Type 2 on insulin
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