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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone tell me why I keep falling asleep at the drop of a hat, i just seem to go, then wake up 1hr later. Im fine all the time or working or doing something,but as soon as i sit to watch tv for example, im gone.
Is this the diabetes (type 2), or ?
am not on meds , just diagnosd in May, due to see nurse again in aug.
Hi Lynne, if your blood sugar levels are high, this can make you more lethargic and prone to sleepiness. Do you have a blood glucose testing meter? Might be worth getting an appointment to discuss it rather than waiting until August. Hope things get sorted soon - let us know how you are.🙂
Hello and Welcome Lynne , I woild say its the high glucose levels making you tired , I'm sure everyone here can remember being like that I sure do . Let us know how you are doing and how you get on in August, 🙂🙂 any questions just ask !!
Hi and welcome!

I was very tired when first diagnosed and a month later I was put on Metformin tablets.

I still get tired but not as bad as I used to be before the tablets.

See your doctor if you are concerned.
thanks for yr replies, im not testing as dn told me not too. I am less tired than i was in may, wasnt sleeping just waking every hour, thirsty and on the loo, but i only wake about twice now. It seems to be just when i sit for a while. I think I slightly nodded off a few times at work, when boss doing root canal treatment lol, if it doent improve in the next week will go back early.
Hi and welcome.

Go to see someone else as you should be testing, at least to start with, how else will you know if how you are feeling is just down the say the weather changing.

I normally get tired after lunch and as im out and about a normally have a sandwich but i think now what i am doing wrong is letting myself get hungry and eat just when i start to feel shakey, then Eat and so go from low to high, if i ate little and often i don't feel tired as i don't get the spikes and the day is leveled out.


Julie x
Three years on and I still get sleepy, but there are a number of reasons why I gte sleepy (one of them likes to get in bed with me in the middleo f the night for a hug). I am worse if my sugars are high. If Ihave something to do I stay awake but do sometimes fall asleep on the train on the way home.

If you are concerned speak to the doctor or practice nurse now, don't wait till August. At my surgery I get more from the practice nurse who seems more up on things than the doctor.

I hope you are feeling better soon.
Before diagnosis I was regularly tired after meals, falling asleep uncontrollably (including during the occasional meeting - oops) and at times in danger of falling asleep at the wheel. This is because my BG was hitting around 19 and my HbA1c was 10.8.

Its a common effect of high blood glucose (BG) and other symptoms can be constant thirst and urination (particularly overnight), mood swings, depression and generally feeling rough.

When I got my BG under control, the difference in how I felt day to day was incredible. I hadn't realised just how rough I had been feeling until it all changed. It had crept up on me.

So it sounds as if you are running high numbers and if this goes on for a long period, you will be suffering damage, so its vital to get it sorted out.

The reason your nurse does not think you should be testing is that the majority of T2 diabetics do not actually test for any reason. This is mostly because they have been told to test once a week first thing in the morning or something similar. This tells you almost nothing.

However, testing can be used to learn about the effects of combinations of foods and exercise on your BG. As you learn from this, you can make changes to what you do next time to keep your BG at a more stable level. So over time you learn how everything affects you and how to deal with it. We all react to everything slightly differently so although people can give tips on what effects things have generally, you may react slightly differently. So some of the time it can be quite personal to you and the only way to learn about that is to test.

The following link is to an article which has helped me and many other T2s to begin to learn about managing diabetes. The emphasis is on learning how things affect you personally and making changes to your diet and lifestyle that work for you. Its not about following a particular diet plan or regime, but generally means making adjustments to your life so that diabetes fits into it. It puts you in control. Plus, by getting control you will massively postpone or completely prevent long term complications .

Hope this helps.
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