Sleep Disorders - Case Study Request for Sweet Magazine

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Like Nicola J, I'm writing a feature for Sweet magazine and would like to speak to some people with experience of sleep problems caused by their diabetes.
I'm writing about sleep disorders like night time hypos, insomnia, sleep apnoea, restless legs and excessive daytime sleepiness, how they affect us, and how we can improve them, and I'd like to chat to some people with first hand experience of this.
I already have someone talking about night time hypos, and someone else talking about sleep apnoea, so I'm particularly looking for people who suffer with insomnia and restless leg syndrome to talk about how it affects them, but I'd be happy to hear from anyone who'd like to be involved - on the proviso that I may not be able to talk to or include everyone.
Please feel free to email me if you'd like to participate on
Hope to hear from you.
Many thanks and kind regards,
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