Skip a meal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Would you be able to go without a meal? I don't think that I could do it. Give it half an hour after a meal was due and I would need to eat something. Do you ever skip meals?
I skip meals some times.
I have extra meals some times.

I am not sure what time "half hour after a meal was due" is because I don't eat at fixed times. I eat when I am hungry and convenient. For example, lunch can be any time between 11am and 3:30pm (and sometimes not at all) depending when I can arrange a break in work.
Would you be able to go without a meal? I don't think that I could do it. Give it half an hour after a meal was due and I would need to eat something. Do you ever skip meals?
I don't have any problem missing a meal if it is just not convenient to eat. I tend to eat at very random times so breakfast anywhere between 8 and 9am, lunch between 1.15pm and 2.30pm and dinner rarely before 8pm with just drinks in between.
If I'm away mealtimes can be very irregular
Yeah I do. For starters, I don't eat breakfast, hardly ever have really since leaving school. Can't remember the last time I felt hungry but know very well it isn't sensible to not eat, so I do eat at lunchtime and evening but just not the same amounts as I easily used to. Tonight we're having Steak slices, bit like a pie but seems slightly less stodgy to me, with which I will cook spuds and cabbage, plus gravy. I'd be happy with just the cabbage - but himself would pronounce it not being a proper meal with no spuds and ask what's for pudding then!
Would you be able to go without a meal? I don't think that I could do it. Give it half an hour after a meal was due and I would need to eat something. Do you ever skip meals?

All the time. I didn't bother with lunch today as I wasn't hungry, and also too busy (I was going to get a Subway salad).
This not being bothered to eat at precisely X o'clock makes it a bit easier when doing basal testing - still have to get em ready and dish em up to suit husband's body clock but doesn't mean I have to eat them immediately - and I don't mind crisped up at the edges reheated dinners! His body demands lunch at 1pm, dinner 6 to 6.30pm. Mine, does not!
I skip meals often, esp breakfast
Just looked at the clock and realised that it is over 24 hours since I ate anything - never even thought about it. It seems to be happening more frequently these days.
My thoughts are that it is either habit or BG levels spiking and then plummeting which are causing these feelings that you can't skip a meal.
Since I went low carb and ate more fat, I can skip meals very often and it isn't a problem at all and I don't feel cravings or hunger.
However I worked rotating shifts including full nights for a lot of years where I might get the chance to eat at 1am or 3am or sometimes not at all, so I don't have set patterns for anything, be that sleeping or eating or waking up. I eat when I feel hungry and it is convenient to do so. Eating more fat sustains me until the next time I need to eat, whenever that may be. Eating too many carbs made me want to eat every couple of hours. Thankfully I am not at the mercy of those cravings now.
This not being bothered to eat at precisely X o'clock makes it a bit easier when doing basal testing - still have to get em ready and dish em up to suit husband's body clock but doesn't mean I have to eat them immediately - and I don't mind crisped up at the edges reheated dinners! His body demands lunch at 1pm, dinner 6 to 6.30pm. Mine, does not!
I think my body demands food when it sees it.
With no food around and distracted by other things, I can easily avoid eating.

I would struggle cooking for my partner and not eating.
Thankfully, he is more than capable of cooking his own dinner so I can avoid the kitchen if I need to avoid food.
Would you be able to go without a meal? I don't think that I could do it. Give it half an hour after a meal was due and I would need to eat something. Do you ever skip meals?

We, generally speaking, have formed the habit of eating 3 meals per day possibly with having snacks. As a result our bodies get used it and expect to eat at the usual times. This is exacerbated by eating carbs which are metabolised far quicker then protein and fat so eating a carb heavy meal usually results in becoming hungry again quickly.

I was amazed at how quickly my body adjusted to not eating 3 times per day and how quickly my hunger cravings subsided once I reduced my carbs. It only took a few days and my BG started coming down too. Now after a couple of years, I have formed new habits and skipping a meal is not a problem. A bit like others if I am busy and don't get round to it, I just eat at the next "meal".
We were away in our Motorhome a couple of weeks ago and someone from the site was selling raffle tickets, good cause, wanted to support them, £1 each, bought 3, main prize a full English breakfast. Said after, wonder if they cook it for you and serve it to you in the Clubhouse, or what? Anyway, we only won it - and it was actually the makings of a full English, enough for more than 2 - so the next night we had brekkie for dinner, and b lovely it was too, enjoyed it far better at that time of day both to eat and to cook - best bit of black pudding either of us has had for years. We were in Yorkshire not that far from York but no it wasn't Bury black pud in case anyone asks. They sell Bury BP in Tescos, so we tried it a while ago and weren't very impressed, This BP hailed from a York address as did the bacon sausage and the eggs. M&S baked beans, tinned plum tomatoes with an Italian brand name ( not Napolitana) not local LOL.
I’ll sometimes get so caught up in something that I lose track of time and by the time I realise, it’s a bit too late and close to the next meal to bother.

Other days I am ravenous almost as soon as I’ve finished eating the last meal, and count the minutes until the next mealtime.

It’s a while since I’ve run a formal basal test, but those involve skipping a different meal over a sequence of a few days.

On a hungry day it can be hard going but it’s a helpful reminder to me that many people - even in this country - have to routinely miss meals out of financial necessity. :(
We were away in our Motorhome a couple of weeks ago and someone from the site was selling raffle tickets, good cause, wanted to support them, £1 each, bought 3, main prize a full English breakfast. Said after, wonder if they cook it for you and serve it to you in the Clubhouse, or what? Anyway, we only won it - and it was actually the makings of a full English, enough for more than 2 - so the next night we had brekkie for dinner, and b lovely it was too, enjoyed it far better at that time of day both to eat and to cook - best bit of black pudding either of us has had for years. We were in Yorkshire not that far from York but no it wasn't Bury black pud in case anyone asks. They sell Bury BP in Tescos, so we tried it a while ago and weren't very impressed, This BP hailed from a York address as did the bacon sausage and the eggs. M&S baked beans, tinned plum tomatoes with an Italian brand name ( not Napolitana) not local LOL.

That Bury bp is yuk, disgusting stuff & like my bp.

Best bp is Stornoway, wee bit pricey but delicious in full fry up.
This that we won, was similar looking at least, to the pictures of Stornaway I've just seen on Google. No noticeable white bits of fat. And the seasoning of it was certainly to both our tastes - nothing so noticeable that one could identify, just enjoyable to eat.
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