Skinny people get type 2 diabetes too

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four years ago I was stunned.

I’d gone for a check-up, and a routine blood test said it all: diabetes. But it made no sense.

As a healthy 59-year-old, who went running, played regular cricket, drank moderately (2 units a week) and only weighed 10st 7lb, I was hardly overweight.

In fact, at 5ft 7in, my Body Mass Index (BMI) was a healthy 21.

Yes, I did overeat sometimes – I was thin and thought I could eat what I liked within reason – but it was mainly healthy food, few ready meals, semi-skimmed milk, grilled rather than fried food, chicken rather than red meat and lots of fresh veg.

But over the past two years I had been under a lot of stress: my dad had recently died from prostate cancer, my job had changed radically, and I’d been on high blood pressure pills for a year.

Stress can raise your blood sugar levels.

But I still thought my diabetes diagnosis was ridiculous – how could someone with my weight and healthy lifestyle be facing the prospect of all the serious complications of type 2 diabetes in ten years’ time, including sight loss and a much greater risk of early death?
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