Skin Issues

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Alison Neave

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Are skin issues common with Type 2 diabetes? I have been having an issue with a rash on my shins. Nurse thinks it may be a reaction to Metformin and has told me to stop taking it for a week. I have been prescribed alogliptin as an alternative. The rash has improved though not cleared and I have itching on arms and abdomen but no rash. I am using aqueous cream to wash and moisturise. I am due to start the alogliptin today. Is this normal? This has been ongoing for about eight weeks now. I am seeing a doctor next week. What should I ask her?
Hi Alison. My knowledge lies in type 1 rather than type 2, but I did a quick search and found this, There may be something here that helps you (and, more hopefully, nothing that scares you) Please note that, although the name of the organisation is similar, it is not linked to Diabetes UK. I hope it clears up soon, the heat must be making the itching worse.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. You're right, the heat makes the itching worse. I can cope with pain, itching is something else!!
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