Skin issues

diabetic gardener

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is there an association between more irritable/itchy skin, and Type 1. Since developing it 20 months ago i have had more red marks on my face, a persistent itchy area around one ankle that can be really irritating etc
My HbA1c levels are good. Any ideas?
I am not aware of Type 1 diabetes causing skin issues.
However, I have seen it mentioned as a reaction to some insulins.
It may be worthwhile taking a look at the leaflet that comes with your insulins for possible side effects. If something like a rash is mentioned, it may be worthwhile trying out a different type of insulin as it is usually the additives that cause the reaction than the pure insulin itself.
Is there an association between more irritable/itchy skin, and Type 1. Since developing it 20 months ago i have had more red marks on my face, a persistent itchy area around one ankle that can be really irritating etc
My HbA1c levels are good. Any ideas?
It can be a complication of diabetes. There's some info here:-

Thank you- I will explore the info on my insulin types- but have been on them since October 2022, and didn't have skin issues initially.
Diabetes can cause dry skin @diabetic gardener You might have seen adverts for ‘diabetes specific’ moisturiser. You don’t need one of those, but using some kind of moisturiser more regularly than you did before/think you need to should help.
I have just had another thought.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and autoimmune conditions have a tendency to gather together.
Psoriasis is another autoimmune condition. When my father had a psoriasis flare up, it was often around joints such as ankles.
If you get no where with moisturiser, etc. this may be something worth investigating.
When my father had a psoriasis flare up, it was often around joints such as ankles.
Snap! Although my last flare up was in 1982 the psoriasis on my elbows and knee never go away, although it's less of a problem than it used to be and I have Betnovate on hand if needed.
I tend to have very dry and sore skin, is a lot better now but used to have me in tears as it was so painful. Hope you get it sorted x
I've had this since 2020 sometime after the shielding period at least nearly 2 years after diagnosis. It's more due to non stop high levels and i believe it can also be a long term complication. There is a cream that deals with it, but i was never given any. Someone at work recommended vasaline which does kinda help (for me anyways). It's not as bad as it used to be as my long term levels are dropping and my short term levels are not as bad as it used to be, but if it's dry out, hot or if you are having a hot or warm shower, it could or will also make it kick off.
Is there an association between more irritable/itchy skin, and Type 1. Since developing it 20 months ago i have had more red marks on my face, a persistent itchy area around one ankle that can be really irritating etc
My HbA1c levels are good. Any ideas?
Ask your GP. See a dermatologist? Might be histamine for example.
Is there an association between more irritable/itchy skin, and Type 1. Since developing it 20 months ago i have had more red marks on my face, a persistent itchy area around one ankle that can be really irritating etc
My HbA1c levels are good. Any ideas?
Thank you for all your ideas.
Skin issues are obviously another example of T1D being the gift you don't want that keeps on giving!
Thank you for all your ideas.
Skin issues are obviously another example of T1D being the gift you don't want that keeps on giving!
It may have nothing to do with diabetes.
Sadly, diabetes does not stop us experiencing any other medical conditions ... even ones unrelated.