Skin Cancer

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi , I have suffered with skin cancer for roughly 10 years and have a few treatments to remove said problem.

However , it has now returned and my doctor point blank refuses to do anything about the issue.

I was told that I would have to go privately , so I asked where to go for treatment and was told again not his problem and find some one yourself.

I am being a little unreasonable going to my doctor for a medical problem or is this our modern NHS service !
Hi , I have suffered with skin cancer for roughly 10 years and have a few treatments to remove said problem.

However , it has now returned and my doctor point blank refuses to do anything about the issue.

I was told that I would have to go privately , so I asked where to go for treatment and was told again not his problem and find some one yourself.

I am being a little unreasonable going to my doctor for a medical problem or is this our modern NHS service !
That seems very odd.

Do you know the sort of cancer you had in the past? How was that diagnosed and has this most recent episode been diagnosed in the same way?

I know in the past potentially pre-cancerous cells were treated differently than they are now, but that isn’t what you seem to be talking about.

Is there another doctor at your surgery you could take to? If not, as your GP to refer you for a second opinion. That is something we have a right to request and be granted. A second opinion need not be locally. You can ask for a named referral, even outside area.

Theres always PALS.
I'm puzzled because although there are shedloads of skin problems which though they may be mega unsightly and ruining someone's life - are not actually cancerous or dangerous in some way - and therefore not sorted on the NHS, which is not a particularly recent change.

However - who has actually diagnosed that this new thing is in fact cancerous ?
However - who has actually diagnosed that this new thing is in fact cancerous ?
Yes, I'm wondering that too ...

In England or Wales, there are NICE guidelines for when your GP should suspect skin cancer and refer you to a specialist for further tests, and indeed how quickly the specialist should see you: see and .

I imagine NHS Scotland and the NI NHS have similar rules/guidelines.
Hope you are able to get to the bottom of why treatment has been refused in this instance @pace

Do you know the name of the specific condition?

That might help you look up NICE guidelines (or similar) to see what the recommendations are.
Hi , I have actually found a method to obtain a doctor appointment for any serious complications. Where I live in South Worcestershire the doctors don't appear to have any approved procedure to treat cancer let alone to obtain an appointment.It does appear that my concerns were over zealous but I have been given a cream to apply !

A friend of my wife was being the run around re patches on her skin and she was extremely lucky that by chance she obtained an appointment to see a Consultant surgeon and was operated within a few days.
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