Skimmed milk ineffective against toddler obesity

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Giving your toddler skimmed or semi-skimmed milk is unlikely to make inroads against the risk of obesity, a large study conducted among American children has found.

Researchers trawled through data from a long-term probe into the health of 10,700 children born in 2001.

Parents or caregivers were asked about milk consumption when the infant was two and were questioned again two years later, when the child was again weighed and measured.
What a complete load of TOSH!

Of course it won't make a difference if the rest of what they eat is a pile of rubbish.

Anyway, when I was young, all I had was full cream milk and was as thin as a rake (and I have the pictures to prove it).

Andy 🙂
Current UK advice is that under-5s should be given full-fat milk for its vitamin content. According to a paediatrician friend, toddler obesity is almost always due to the parents over-feeding the child in conjunction with activity levels, and very rarely genetics. Change the diet of the whole family and you fix the problem... unfortunately it sounds simpler than putting it into practice.
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