Six monthly check

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just back from my clinic, and results - bit nervy after an indulgent Xmas! Behaved since 2nd January. Cholesterol 3.0, bs 5.6, told that blood pressure slightly high, at 148 and 85. Need to monitor and see my GP in a months time, didn't realise that was too high? Overall well pleased. If it wasn't work tomorrow, would ruin it with a drink or two!!
Feeling pleased after an appointment is great!

Was the 5.6 the HbA1c result?

Blood pressure slightly high, sometimes it can just be the stress of the situation so a re-check with your GP is a good idea before they decide to do anything about it.
excellent results ! im jealous 😉
I am sure a wee celebratry dram wont harm to is burns night:D
Thanks guys, not sure about the 5.6, only that he said it was borderline and should be a bit higher!! No pleasing some people! lol
Brilliant results Ron!:D

Perhaps you were feeling stressed and this added to the BP result - i dont think its dangerously high though.

Perhaps a little treat is in order for you too!🙂Bev
Thanks Bev.
20 minutes to find a parking place didn't help, followed by a brisk uphill walk to make the appointment. That's my excuse anyway!!
Good numbers Ron - well done!🙂 They like the big number to be 130 or less and the small number to be 90 or below for diabetics, but it might have been 'white coat syndrome'. My consultant recommended getting a home BP kit so I could check it without stress.
I'm green with envy Ron, those numbers are wonderful. As the others have said, I shouldn't worry too much about the BP, it could be down to nerves.
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