Situation Update :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So I have been offered [and accepted] a place in an assisted living retirement community in the highly desirable Stockbridge area of Edinburgh. The rent and service charges, which are covered by housing benefit, are roughly £600 a month. However, bearing in mind it is a pretty small studio, the real shocker is the heating charge, (which, unfortunately, I have to pay).
HTNG £40.00 this charge increases on 1/1/23 to £70 then on 1/4/23 to £105

I assume that is monthly? I am also am hoping it includes hot water, but the woman who showed me around didn't seem to know much about anything.

Technically, since they are still preparing the paperwork, the offer is unofficial, but they have given me a confirmed entry date of 12 December. I have an appointment on Friday with "Housing First" to get started on all the bureaucratic stuff and see about getting some help moving my office; library and the various trophies I have accumulated on my travels. (God, that is a chore I am not looking forward to!)

While I can't really complain, the timing is actually really inconvenient: As you know, with my Asperger's, I have really bad OCD and had the next month fully planned out with precise targets for the goals I wished to achieve. Even worse, not only am I quite manic about keeping a very regular daily schedule, but my living area is set up in a very specific arrangement! So, as you may imagine, the thought of all the upset is extremely disturbing. On the other hand though, the challenge of planning the move and laying out my new apartment for maximum comfort has already started to pique my interest.

In truth, I had already begun planning the move some time back, and, in anticipation, bought four large rolls of cheap packing tape and four rolls of cling-film which were on clearance. (I can use the cling-film to wrap up some of my paper-back Sci-Fi collection into manageable bundles, while the rest of my books can go in small, el-cheapo, plastic bin bags reinforced with the packing tape.)

Earlier this evening, I made a symbolic start to the move by dismantling some of my shelving and using the packing tape to tie it into easily handled stacks, and, tomorrow, will really get to grips on the Library.

I also need to start looking for the bits of furniture I don't currently have, not the least of which are: bed, bedding, comfy chair, proper cooker, small kitchen table, kitchen stools ..... etc. (My god, every time I turn around the list of urgent things that need taken care of just gets bigger.🙄)

Ah well
Mate, just look towards the fact you get to make your mark in a new place.
Your chance to set out a new living area, your arrangements, your place to wind down in, your place to make your mark......
Great news about the new place to live.
I fully understand about having your routine/plans disrupted - I am exactly the same and get very stressed and derailed when my plans are disrupted. I hope you will be able to work through it and focus on the benefits.
Well done for making a start - it is a good way to rearrange your narrative by doing that and maybe you will be able to form new plans now.
Good luck with the furniture finding.
I hope you will be very happy in your new place.
Wonderful news @IrvineHimself . I can appreciate how much you must have to do in only a couple of weeks.

Don't forget to let Santa know where to find you!!

Seriously, enjoy. How your life has changed in the time you've been coming here.
Good luck with the appointment on Friday @IrvineHimself - ask them about that heating charge if I were you, it does seem like a lot. I hope you’ll be very happy there!
- ask them about that heating charge if I were you, it does seem like a lot.
Yeah, it going up to a £104 a month does seem excessive. There is the communal areas of course, but it is a small studio. It is L shaped, with a kitchen, 3 large walk in closets, and a very large wet floor shower/toilet, but the actual living area can't be much bigger than 10m^2 ???

Don't forget to let Santa know where to find you!!
This is, of course, a serious worry. 😉
Good luck with the appointment on Friday @IrvineHimself - ask them about that heating charge if I were you, it does seem like a lot. I hope you’ll be very happy there!
Only £40 a month before the upcoming increases seemed pretty cheap to me. I’m in a 1 bed very small flat living alone and pay £100 a month for energy, which will increase again next year. That’s with radiators, if the flat has electric heaters it would be more expensive.
I’m in a 1 bed very small flat living alone and pay £100 a month for energy,
Thanks, a useful frame of reference, but remember I still have to pay separately for the energy for: cooking; lighting; TV; computers, .... etc. Although, putting it into the context of what you are paying, especially if it includes hot-water, it is maybe not as high as what it first appears. However, £104 a month is still a bit of a shock.
Thanks, a useful frame of reference, but remember I still have to pay separately for the energy for: cooking; lighting; TV; computers, .... etc. Although, putting it into the context of what you are paying, especially if it includes hot-water, it is maybe not as high as what it first appears. However, £104 a month is still a bit of a shock.
I don’t have an oven, work out of the home most days so don’t use much heat/energy really, the costs have just really been going up lately.
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