Sites for Libre 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Someone said somewhere either in this thread or another that you can place your Libre 2 sensor where you want but I can't find it.

As I self fund it's my hard luck if the sensor doesn't work anywhere other than the arm. I don't think anyone would say to Abbott they had placed it anywhere but back of arm in case they wouldn't replace it. I could be wrong.

Whilst I am waiting for a replacement sensor from Dexcom (see my other post) I am using a Libre 2. I have decided to see if it works placed on my belly. It's certainly easier to apply a sensor cover to it in this position compared to the back of arm. Fingers crossed. I know it's not an authorised place but as I am paying it's my risk.
I have read that some people have great success wearing it on their thigh and some even on their chest.
I have read that some people have great success wearing it on their thigh and some even on their chest.
Seems to be working well atm. Dexcom One replacement sensor being delivered tomorrow. Don't know when until I get an email or message with the 1hr window. OH or daughter will be in so hopefully not too late
It's not recommended by Abbott, they only suggest arms as that's where trials took place before release as far as I can gather.

I've placed sensor on stomach & chest & had great results, no different to using arm. For some strange reason don't get good accuracy using left arm so tend to only use right arm so having alternative sites is handy.
It's not recommended by Abbott, they only suggest arms as that's where trials took place before release as far as I can gather.

I've placed sensor on stomach & chest & had great results, no different to using arm. For some strange reason don't get good accuracy using left arm so tend to only use right arm so having alternative sites is handy.
Yes it is handy. I'm assuming they tested other sites before release onto the market? If so don't think just because they may have had better results from the arm said that is the only place you can place it. Not everyone is going to be able to do that.
Yes it is handy. I'm assuming they tested other sites before release onto the market? If so don't think just because they may have had better results from the arm said that is the only place you can place it. Not everyone is going to be able to do that.

No idea if they tested other sites if honest, if you look on YouTube there fair few videos of people posting that they had positive experience using alternative sites. Just one thing, Abbott will only replace faulty sensor if its being worn correctly, correctly in their view is on arms.
It's not recommended by Abbott, they only suggest arms as that's where trials took place before release as far as I can gather.

I've placed sensor on stomach & chest & had great results, no different to using arm. For some strange reason don't get good accuracy using left arm so tend to only use right arm so having alternative sites is handy.

Abbott undertook research into different sensor locations with Libre, and they found the MARD (how closely the sensors reflect blood glucose levels) was not as good in other locations.

I couldn’t find that published, but I did find this trial, which similarly found alternative sites slightly less accurate, though still clinically usable

Abbott undertook research into different sensor locations with Libre, and they found the MARD (how closely the sensors reflect blood glucose levels) was not as good in other locations.

I couldn’t find that published, but I did find this trial, which similarly found alternative sites slightly less accurate, though still clinically usable

Slightly less accurate doesn't give lot away mind does it, when using alternative sites did cross check with bg levels just to check accuracy, tbh it was no different to using my arm.

That said, some people don't get accurate results no matter where they place sensor, thankfully I'm not one & would be lost without device now.
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