Sites for cannulas

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As i mentioned in another post ive been on pump for nearly 10 months now , i am running out of places where i can put cannula , i usually put the cannula in the sort of love handle area , ive tried coming more round to front of tummy ut this always bruises as not a lot of loose fat , ive tried more round to the back of sides but like when cannula is on legs i sleep on my side and end up with nasty red bumps and occasionally, the cannula is all bloody with a nice bruise underneath , my arms just dont feel comfortable . Any other ideas please ??
Hi Jenny,
Have you tried dif types and lengths of cannulas for different areas?
This might solve your problem. Perhaps ask your pump company for some samples to try or ask your DSN for some advice.
Hi sue thanks for the suggestion , ive just been on accu-chek order line they said they cant do it will have to ask dsn, if she then cant do will have to ask their accu -check rep 😱
Hi sue thanks for the suggestion , ive just been on accu-chek order line they said they cant do it will have to ask dsn, if she then cant do will have to ask their accu -check rep 😱

Hi Jenny,
that's daft :( Is there a customer care line? If so try ringing them.
I know Ellie has a Roche pump so might be worth giving her a shout for best route to take.
Im at hos this afternoon with hubby ,so i can just pop into diabetic day care centre not a problem 🙂
Hi Jenny,

I'd definitely try different types & lengths of cannula. Mine is a Medtronic so I'm not sure what's available with Accu-check. I favour the love handles too but use my stomach now and again to give the love handles a break. The cannula I use on the love handles is 90 degree angle, 6mm but in my stomach I need 45 degree angle, 13mm. These ones still bruise in my stomach occasionally but on the whole are much better than the shorter ones. I'd just go for trial & error with a few different ones - hopefully you'll land on a combination that works.
I use accu-chek usually 50mm with 8mm steel cannulas and to be honest the cannula and insertion has been the biggest problem for me in the 3 months of being on the pump. I often get sore areas, I use my stomach and try to rotate as much as I can. I have tried the teflon cannulas and might try them out again. I sometimes get a marble sized lump after taking the cannula out, very sore to touch and sometimes inflamed (feels like an infection). I change my cannula often on average every 36 hours and no longer than 2 days. It's very annoying as my control is so much better and I much prefer pump therapy to MDI.
Have you tried the top outer corner of your buttocks ? Use this mostly with my daughter and she doesn't have any problems, it rarely gets dislodged and she suffers no bruising etc.. She is pumping with medtronic veo and we use the 6mm quicksets.

I'm very surprised that they say that can't do it, as well all infusions sets cost the same, the only difference is based on whether they have a tube in the pack or not! And you should be able to change your order to fit what you use...

I would ring back up and ask to speak to your area pump rep, if you don't know who this is, they will know by your hospital and speak directly to the rep.. or it's a case of speaking to your dsn,

I use the tenderlink teflon 13mmm (angled) which I self insert (didn't like the sound of the inserter firing😱) and I'm very slim but don't have any problems inserting these into my stomach area.. If don't/haven't used these then I be happy to send you some to try..
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