Sitagliptin - When?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning All,

I am currently on the max dose of Metformin (2000mg), and have been instructed by my nurse to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening.

I have since been put on 100mg of Sitagliptin and was just told "take one a day" by the pharmacist without any guidance as to when to take it, so i've been taking it with my morning Metformin.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best time to take it? I understand it prompts the pancreas into creating more insulin, as well as lowering the amount of glucose the liver creates. I'm wondering if I should be taking it in the evening so it brings my morning sugars down, however the pharmacist said it can cause hypos - I doubted this on such a low dose but would rather not hypo during the night.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I was recently on alogliptin (similar type of medication) and I was told to take it in the morning.
According to the data sheet it is recommended that you take the Sitagliptin with food, with your evening meal. To make the switch, don't take any Sitagliptin tomorrow morning, and take it with your evening meal. Don't start the evening regime tonight.
I was going to say I take mine with in the evening with my meal. It does not not in theory cause hypos!
I was told to take sitigliptin at lunch time.although the advice does vary. I was put onto insulin last summer and was told the sitigliptin would support the insulin so take it mid day as the insulin is morning and evening. I was also told it didn't matter if I had food or not. If in doubt read the patient information leaflet that comes with the tablets or speak to the pharmacist or GP
If in doubt read the patient information leaflet that comes with the tablets or speak to the pharmacist or GP
That's where I got the info from for my earlier post, though that information applies to folk on metformin only. The advice about taking it with food only applies to those on metformin, which is probably why your advice was different.
When I was on sitagliptin, I was told to take it on a morning. I would say just go with whatever the pharmacist advises.
All I can say is that the people who make this stuff say take it with the evening meal (in their data sheet that is issued with the medication) if you are on metformin. So you can go with what the makers advise, or what the pharmacist says. Your decision. You've got to ask yourself who is likeliest to have the greater knowledge base.
Yes, take it in the evening. Two points of correction. It doesn't cause hypos as it's effect diminishes as you near normal blood sugar. Also it doesn't reduce the liver's output of glucose - Metformin does that. Sitagliptin suppresses the DPP-4 enzyme that in turn suppresses insulin output after a meal which results in extended insulin output.
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