Sita Met (Sitagliptin + Metformin) vs Ertuvia (Ertugliflozin + Sitagliptin)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
I hope everyone is going great! I am taking Ertuvia (Ertugliflozin + Sitagliptin). Today I met my GP and he checked my sugar records. He found that most of the time my blood sugar is 90 or 80 in fasting or before meals. After the meal, it goes to 135 in two hours and then it drops. First, my GP decided to stop my medicine then he said I am giving you a light dose which will not produce insulin but will promote organs to maintain sugar levels. I searched on the internet and I did not find any difference between the above two medicines.

Can anybody help me to understand if my GP is just relaxing me to change my dose or if Sita Met is really a light dose?

Also, should I try to leave the medicine and see if I am okay without it? Please guide.
I'm not sure those combination meds are often used in the UK @azee

For the benefit of members the numbers you quote are:

80mg/dl = 4.4mmol/L
90mg/dl = 5.0mmol/L
135mg/dl = 7.5mmol/L

The guideline levels in the UK are usually 4-7 (75-125) before meals and no higher than 8.5 (150) by 2 hours after meals
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