Sir David Nicholson must not be allowed to appoint 'comrades' to senior NHS positions

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
We now have the opportunity to do a deep clean of our NHS following the Mid Staffs scandal - we must root out the old culture of a managerial elite who evade personal responsibility.

Out of the ashes of what the Mid Staffs scandal has diabolically revealed about many parts of our Health Service, we now have the opportunity to do a deep clean of our NHS: To root out the old culture of a managerial elite who evade personal responsibility, to see a new culture arise; one of transparency, accountability, and politicians prepared to be honest with the electorate.

We have seen the futility of trying to, in the words of T.S. Eliot, ?devise systems so perfect that nobody will need to be good?. The failures of the last decade have illustrated the fundamental flaw in Labour?s attitude towards an idolised NHS system. We have seen how success does not come from systems, but people and values; that the NHS is not about targets and politicians ? but about the doctors and nurses, and yes, good managers, who work in those systems, their professionalism, and motivation, and ultimately the patients they serve.
Good grief.

It just gets worse .....
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