sinned big time - now low

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After getting some bad news today hubby bought me a huge bag of m & m peanuts. I ate at least half. I know this is not the answer to my sorrows, but Omg Yummy.

However, I was feeling a bit funny, this being 2 hours after tea & I have dropped to 3.6!

How can this be ?
When did you eat the M+Ms? And what did you have for tea? Perhaps your insulin peaked before your food or the stress of the day has caused it - some people go high when stressed, others low. Does the bag say how many carbs are in half a bag? Actually, I imagine that M+Ms digest pretty slowly because of the nuts and maybe this also slowed the digestion of your tea such that your insulin peaked before the food?

Sorry Di! There are so many things we have to consider when diabetes throws us a curved ball!
Hi northy, I ate the m & m earlier afternoon. For tea I had Caribbean chicken and basmalti rice. This I had bout 6 o clock. Rice was 50g uncooked don't know what it is cooked. Don't know what the m & m are either.

I suspect the weird bs are from the stress of the day. Done a lot of crying and stressing out on how to tell family etc x
Hi Di,

I hope whatever your bad news was that you are coping ok and things are as good as they can be.

Wish my husband bought me sweets!! :D
Hi Di. Probably just the stress of the day, or perhaps a bit too much fast acting with tea maybe? I always go low when I'm stressed out and upset. Hope you're feeling ok this morning x
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