Simon Kelner: Obesity's an epidemic, so let doctors tell it how it is

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
You really couldn't make it up. A government quango has produced guidance for doctors with the advice that it may be counter-productive to use the term "obese" when talking to patients. And the title of the report? "Obesity: Working with Local Communities".

The report suggests that medical professionals should "carefully consider the type of language" they use to communicate the bad news to a patient that they may be dangerously overweight, or, as the authors would probably have it, a teeny, weeny bit on the heavy side. I spoke to my eminent doctor friend ? let's just call him Dr G ? about this, and he opposed a mealy-mouthed approach. "Patients don't listen to you anyway when you're telling them they have to modify their lifestyle," he said, "so you might as well kick them in the nuts, so to speak."
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