• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

silly question


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

I have a question that sounds silly - please be patient!

If Alex's level is 5 or 6 before bed i give him a small snack or some milk to help get him through the night - but - as its not covered by insulin, does it do any harm as his levels obviously get higher as the food is absorbed - and probably up into the 11 or 12's - is there a time limit for when a 'high' number can do damage?:confused:Bev
Hi all!

I have a question that sounds silly - please be patient!

If Alex's level is 5 or 6 before bed i give him a small snack or some milk to help get him through the night - but - as its not covered by insulin, does it do any harm as his levels obviously get higher as the food is absorbed - and probably up into the 11 or 12's - is there a time limit for when a 'high' number can do damage?:confused:Bev

Hi bev, this is something that concerned me at first, but remember that there is the slow-release insulin that is working away to keep those numbers down. As long as the snack is a slow-release snack as well, the numbers shouldn't climb too high, but will also prevent them from going too low!

Not at all a silly question!:)
Firstly just to confirm what Northerner said, no question is every a silly question.

What you are doing snack wise is fine. I had to make sure that Jessica was over 10.0 at about 11 pm otherwise she would be hypo in the early hours. I have friends who say 12.0. With children it is a tricky balance of wanting fabulous numbers but being realistic. When on injections it will never be perfect. On a pump it is better, you can get better control but still never perfect.

I always gave 15 g of cho per snack. When she was young my daughter had 15 cho at bedtime plus milk. Now on a pump she needs nothing.
Hi all!

I have a question that sounds silly - please be patient!

If Alex's level is 5 or 6 before bed i give him a small snack or some milk to help get him through the night - but - as its not covered by insulin, does it do any harm as his levels obviously get higher as the food is absorbed - and probably up into the 11 or 12's - is there a time limit for when a 'high' number can do damage?:confused:Bev

Although I can't add any thing to the answers already given, no question about our health or the health of our families is silly. If you never ask the questions, you'll never get the answers
Although I can't add any thing to the answers already given, no question about our health or the health of our families is silly. If you never ask the questions, you'll never get the answers

I agree wholeheartedly Caroline but we must be very very careful when giving advice which really should be referred to the DSN or clinician.
I agree wholeheartedly Caroline but we must be very very careful when giving advice which really should be referred to the DSN or clinician.

I agree some questions are best left to the professionals to answer. Perhaps it wasn't very clear, but I meant we shouldn't not ask the question because we feel others will think it is silly.

These forums are a great means of support but sometimes if you don't get the wording exactly right, the whole meaning can be misconstrued.
Hi Caroline

I get that sometimes. Sometimes my emails can be miscontrued as being too blunt and they are never meant that way. You should see me, I sit typing and reading out loud so I know where the emphasis should go and they never seem blunt to me, it just shows you. :eek:
Thanks for re assuarnace Adrienne. I try to be clear, but it is nice to know I am not the only one who words things not quite right sometimes.
I agree some questions are best left to the professionals to answer. Perhaps it wasn't very clear, but I meant we shouldn't not ask the question because we feel others will think it is silly.

These forums are a great means of support but sometimes if you don't get the wording exactly right, the whole meaning can be misconstrued.

Hi Caroline

Sincere apologies if my post was misinterpreted. I am always perhaps oversensitive to actual treatment advice as opposed to a personal experience.

I have had much help and support on this board and some has led me to contact my clinic.
i would SAY A SNACK WOULD BE FINE if with no extra insulin would be fine if they are only 5 or 6 mmol as you want to bring them up a little to get through the night and extra insuin would counteract that if they was maybe allready 10 pr 12 mmol then may need a little extra insulin. hope that helps