silly question time

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed about 6 months ago, and am still working on the diet side of this.
The problem im having is that yesterday I had to have a tooth removed, and since then I hav not been feeling right. Im getting more tired then normal, getting hungrey really quickly (though that could be down to the fact that Im having problems eating due to the hugh hole where the tooth was)
I have tried all my usual tricks, but I can tshake the feeling of wanting to faint or go to sleep. I cant seem to get back on top of things, and its knocking me for 6.

Any suggestions?
Have you been checking your blood sugar levels? What medication are you taking (if any)?
Medication for tooth removal

What medication did you have for the tooth removal eg local anaesthetic, sedation, general anaesthetic etc. What pain relief are you taking now? That information might help us to give more appropriate explanations / advice.
As my wonderful GP is so focused on diet, im not on meds yet. She also tells me that I do not need to check my sugar levels. My partner is also convinced I dont need to check my sugar levels, so as yet I dont have a kit to do so.

I know that thats no help, and seeing as im not doing well, i should go and get one. Something I will be doing this afternoon.
i was given a local for the extraction. Since then I have been taking Paramol and Ibuproferen.
bobbin if ur not eating the liver will produce sugar that it thinks the body sounds to me like ur sugars maybe be high..i know when i was 1st diagnosed and quite recently from my sugars being high,i had this awful desire to just shut my eyes and sleep..its a tiredness i couldnt describe.
do keep trying to eat even if its just soups or something purreed.hope u feel better soon
Hi Bobbin,
I'm T2 on diet, and would be lost without my meter. I was given one by my nurse straight away, and get strips on prescription. Used it quite a bit at first, but not so much now. Only when I don't feel well, but it's there if i need it. To get control you need to know what's happening. Hope this helps.

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hidden sugars

Hi, this may help you I don't know, did you know that the injections given to you when having teeth removed increase your sugar levels as a side effect. Not many dentists that I know off tell their patients this so beware !!!

I also believe that everyone should have and use a meter
I am on diet and exercise only but I test bloods and it can vary with illnesses. I have had 2 operations since being diabetic and I checked my bloods regularly afterwards. If I am in pain with my back or knee some times my bloods are higher and sometimes they are lower.
Thanks everyone, I have now bought a meter (bit scared to use it, im a whimp) now that i am able to eat again, ive been feeling a lot better (surprising that!)
I did call my GP, to find out that she is not the diabetic doctor at the surgery and she was horified to find out I had bought a meter. As a result im changing doctors now.

I shall remember about the injections the next time I need a tooth removed or anything else! thanks for the info
hi bobbin

Thanks everyone, I have now bought a meter (bit scared to use it, im a whimp) now that i am able to eat again, ive been feeling a lot better (surprising that!)
I did call my GP, to find out that she is not the diabetic doctor at the surgery and she was horified to find out I had bought a meter. As a result im changing doctors now.

I shall remember about the injections the next time I need a tooth removed or anything else! thanks for the info

hi bobbin i agree that all diabetics should be given glucose testing meters, if you havent got one how are you supposed to know if your control is working, it seems to be trial and error but thats no good for your health. how are you supposed to avoid diabetic complications??? i think things in the medical profession should be tightened up with regard to how diabetics are treated and followed is easy to be lost in the system. i have also noticed when i am under the weather my sugars go through the roof even if i havent eaten,( not fair i know) its important to always try to eat even if its just soup, and always take meds if youre on any for your diabetes to avoid Dka.
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