Silly Jenny

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went to my sisters civil ceremony yesterday ,and before i went i changed my cannula and pump cartridge ,so everything would go without a hitch ! Well i got out of bath connected up and off we went and had a really nice time , but i couldnt make out why i was getting such high readings i had no starter , salmon and salad (no carbs ) for main and the tinest slither (honestly) of chocolate cake 😉 for pudding and soon my bloods was reaching the dizzy heights of 26.0 😱 (numbers i havent seen since before pump )and really couldnt work out why.Came home went to bed placed my pump next to me and suddenly all became clear , in all the rushing about i hadnt taken old cannula out and had connected to old one instead of new one i had been walking around with 2 in .When i took old one off the tube looked funny an insulin had been leeking out , connected to new one and have just got up to a 2.9 will have to watch out today now as prob will run on the low side .SILLY JENNY !!!
That must of felt horrible though...............lessons learned and all that, at least it wasn't a 26 with everything functioning..........😉

Hope the rest of the day is problem free.........🙂
Just shows how easily it is make a booboo. Your mind has been doing the nice occation. Hope u had a good time apart from canula probs 😉
Just so easy to make a mistake, bet you glad you didn't go overboard with the food 😱
Oh Jenny, I hope you are well and there are no after effects.

Good for you - a sliver of cake - I doubt I could have been that good, well done.
Bloods been a lot beeter today thank god although a tad on the low side .
I read the title and thought, well I knew that already (about ME I hasten to add !), thanks - but how rude, then realised ......

You ain't gonna believe this.

A week last Wednesday late PM having changed my cannula pre lunch and being OK at teatime, my BG had shot up. 26.5. I just hadn't tested after dinner, we were in the course of travelling back from France and what with the Chunnel sticking us on the end of an earlier train and only getting 30 mins respite in the tunnel, I just didn't do it. Plus I knew the bolus I had wouldn't cover it but being battered fish and chips thought for some starnge reason not even apparent to me, only took a 3u blous. probably intended to test and shoot, test and shoot, not knowing how much fat I was consuming. Ooo-er. 6.6u correction. By 2am we were home - 17.8. Well it is coming down, and I need sleep. I'll trust to luck ....

07.54 Thursday - 28.3. Another new cannula and 6u. 09.56 16.8 so that was OK wasn't it.

13.35 - 21.3. Another new cannula, but this time I checked the tubing (yes I KNOW, I should do it every time I un-attach, alright? LOL) 60cm of tubing with 3cm of insulin at the tube end - the rest was air. Sorted that and it did come down but kept going up again on and off, not quite reactive hypo and hyper, just hyper LOL - took me till after lunch on the Friday to stabilise at a lower level.

And it was most likely that all along. I got too blase about hanging the tubing upright when I'm having a shower, that way previously the insulin has stayed where it should be and has only ever needed the odd unit or two to re-prime as an insurance policy before re-attaching.

What a first class plonker I am, to be sure !!!
So you're a Jenny as well 😉 you only had to look as faras my user name to realise it wasnt you . Pumps certainly take some getting use to but worth their weight in gold 🙂
Well I did realise as soon as I saw your handle LOL

I am a plonker an' all - thought my name was in my Sig!!!!
Lol , My name is in my username Jennywren not my sig :D Bloods have taken a while but starting to improve now
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