Side effects of slow release Metformin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I was put onto slow release after my stomach not being able to handle normal metformin (even after 9 months in). However, I've started to notice my legs cramp up late evening and during the night / early hours and the pain is excruciating. I'm drinking plenty of water and have tried eating a banana a day to help. I've spoken with my GP and rather than change my medication again, they want to give me more tablets.

Has anyone else experienced severe cramps? What did you do to resolve them? or what are you trying? Have you had any other side effects?

Thank you
I am currently on slow release metformin. I was OK on one 500mg tablet, but since having it increased to two tablets, I have developed severe stomach cramps with associated bowel problems. After 10 days of increasing agony, I just stopped taking the tablets, and gave my insides a rest. Then I started the tablets again, and within a couple of weeks the cramps came back. I'm currently in no-mans-land waiting for the surgery to come back to me, after I reported the side effects. I must admit I do sometimes get night leg cramps, but until now had not associated them with the medication.
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