Side effects of metformin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to ask about the effects of metformin before (as is likely) I get put on it. I’ve read a lot about it’s side effects but wondered if I’m worrying too much, especially as I’ll probably just be on the smallest dose - certainly to begin with. How quickly do the side effects happen, and would it be better to have the slower release version? Sorry to ask a grim question, I’m probably overthinking this!
Some people are absolutely fine, some cannot tolerate even slow release, it seems very individual.
If you are prescribed it and have the slow release version option then opt for that.
I assume your dietary changes are not working too well, could diet be tightened up to help.
As above, absolutely no way to know how you'll react until you try it. It's usual to start on a single dose of 500mg a day & build up gradually to whatever you need. Maximum does is 2g a day. Always take with food & maybe wait until the weekend to start taking, in case you do have a reaction.

I've been on it for 12 years now with no issues, yet if you scroll down a couple of pages you'll find similar threads where side effects are intollerable.
I had some occasional colic spasms and wind particularly on 4 a day (built up over 4 weeks) and loose stools when I visited the loo, but certainly nothing that was lifestyle limiting although there were a couple of occasions when I was horse riding and wanted to let rip due to nasty colic pains but didn't dare just in case 🙄.
I think a few people don't have any notable side effects at all, most people probably have mild ones like me and a few people have quite severe problems. The slow release version can adversely effect some people too and some brands seem to be better for some people than others perhaps due to the coatings and binding agents as much as the Metformin itself, so you are probably best starting on regular and see how you go, if in fact you need to start at all. Dietary changes are usually a much more powerful means of reducing BG levels.
Definitely take them with a substantial amount of food to limit the risk of digestive upset. I found mid meal was best.
Just wanted to ask about the effects of metformin before (as is likely) I get put on it. I’ve read a lot about it’s side effects but wondered if I’m worrying too much, especially as I’ll probably just be on the smallest dose - certainly to begin with. How quickly do the side effects happen, and would it be better to have the slower release version? Sorry to ask a grim question, I’m probably overthinking this!
Hi , from what other members have suggested the effect of Metformin is variable.

In my case I have been taking Metformin for just over 3 months but in my case my body could not tollorate the initial dose but I could take 1 X 500 pill. When I increased the meds as prescribed to 2 meds per day in the evening it caused a real problem for me.Contacted my Doctor who suggested I only take 1 x 500 pill for 30 days and see what happens.No real improvement so I am generally taking 1 X 500 pill. I have started taking the second pill occasionally in the evening and no issues as yet.
Hi, started Metformin yesterday - 1 tablet with my dinner.
3 to 4 hours later I had horrid abdominal pains, violent vomiting and diarrhoea, followed by itchy palms. I can't tell from the leaflet in the packet whether this is common side effect which will stop in time or something really serious.

Could it be an allergy reaction which the itchy palms would indicate (I took an antihistimine for this)

What would you do?
No side effects for me, either.
Despite the GP wanting me to come off it, I decided to keep on it as I have side effects and it might be helping out a little, even on such a small dose (Although I did forget it for 3 days and did notice a strange difference in my legs when doing some exercise.)
Hi, started Metformin yesterday - 1 tablet with my dinner.
3 to 4 hours later I had horrid abdominal pains, violent vomiting and diarrhoea, followed by itchy palms. I can't tell from the leaflet in the packet whether this is common side effect which will stop in time or something really serious.

Could it be an allergy reaction which the itchy palms would indicate (I took an antihistimine for this)

What would you do?
Speak to who ever prescribed them.
It is a common side effect when people first take it, for many I will settle down if they persist but I understand the reluctance to take something that has had that effect.
I hope you are feeling better this morning.
What is your HbA1C that has led to you being prescribed them.
Have you tried dietary changes as that will be something that will be equally as important as the metformin.
Not that I should have to explain why I'm prescribed Metformin, but
* my HbA1C is "about the same as last time" (actually as that included the Christmas period I felt that was a small achievement).
* I achieved "pre-diabetic" when on keto diet, but that's not a long-term thing and went back to diabetic when I stopped the diet. I was never overweight; lost about a stone and a half and was beginning to get occasionally light-headed/dizzy at that point. The nurse admits that I'm not a typical diabetic - I'm slim - but it seems that I'm on a typical care path never the less.
* the Metformin drug leaflet says nothing about allergies, but the same symptoms are stated for [common side effects - normally go in a week] and [dire warning this could cause coma].
* over the same period I've had 3 allergy/anaphalaxsis attacks and the cause has not been identified, so it could be related to blood sugars. They were very scary so you can perhaps imagine my anxiety that the gastric symptoms came with allergy symptoms.

If curl-up-and-die stomach pains, violent vomiting and explosive diarrhoea are "common", I'm surprised anyone persists.
but that's not a long-term thing
I've been in ketosis for the past 7 years pretty much constantly.
If curl-up-and-die stomach pains, violent vomiting and explosive diarrhoea are "common", I'm surprised anyone persists.
My pills went in the bin after 3 weeks of that.

Keto put me into remission in 3 months and has persisted since. Now veering towards carnivore.
Go for Slow Release version if the GP will prescribe that. I had the Metformin metallic taste for 6 months. It's one of the known side effects.
Hi , well I had reactions to Metformin but nothing like your symptoms.

I can tolorate 1 X 500 pill per day but 2 pills created real issues. Doctor suggested that I stopped taking the second pill for 30 days and re start.I followed the instructions to the letter but issues returned instantly upon taking the second pill.I stopped taking it and reported to the doctor my action.

At present I am in Portugal so will make an appointment upon my return.
Not that I should have to explain why I'm prescribed Metformin, but
* my HbA1C is "about the same as last time" (actually as that included the Christmas period I felt that was a small achievement).
* I achieved "pre-diabetic" when on keto diet, but that's not a long-term thing and went back to diabetic when I stopped the diet. I was never overweight; lost about a stone and a half and was beginning to get occasionally light-headed/dizzy at that point. The nurse admits that I'm not a typical diabetic - I'm slim - but it seems that I'm on a typical care path never the less.
* the Metformin drug leaflet says nothing about allergies, but the same symptoms are stated for [common side effects - normally go in a week] and [dire warning this could cause coma].
* over the same period I've had 3 allergy/anaphalaxsis attacks and the cause has not been identified, so it could be related to blood sugars. They were very scary so you can perhaps imagine my anxiety that the gastric symptoms came with allergy symptoms.

If curl-up-and-die stomach pains, violent vomiting and explosive diarrhoea are "common", I'm surprised anyone persists.
If I recall correctly "common" indicates at least 1 in 100 people will experience it, and "very common" indicates at least 1 in 10 people will experience it. Many people don't have any side effects from metformin. It's normal for people who have negative experiences (e.g. side effects from a medication) to be more vocal in conversations irl and online than those who have neutral or positive experiences.

I hope you find the symptoms do ease for you, but if not then definitely discuss a change of medication with your prescriber as there are other options
Just wanted to ask about the effects of metformin before (as is likely) I get put on it. I’ve read a lot about it’s side effects but wondered if I’m worrying too much, especially as I’ll probably just be on the smallest dose - certainly to begin with. How quickly do the side effects happen, and would it be better to have the slower release version? Sorry to ask a grim question, I’m probably overthinking this!
Some people do have adverse reactions but I have been OK since starting with metformin in 2009. You are advised to take the tablets with a meal to avoid irritation to the stomach. I usually do that but occasionally I forget until I see the dosette box at night. I take the tablets then and still do not have any reaction. Even when I was in hospital following a colonoscopy, chemotherapy, a stoma and reversal I was OK. The other things caused me the problems.

I suppose the best way to find out is to try the medication after speaking to the medical professionals who should set out the pros and cons and then leave you to make an informed choice.
Thank you all for your replies. It seems such a mixed bag as to whether you have issues with it or not. Hopefully if I have to take it I won’t have the issues that some have had. Thanks again
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