side effects mounjaro newbie advice needed

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, I've been started on the mounjaro injection and about to go onto a higher dose, its been going great.
But just of lately I've been getting blurry vision and dry eyes. Will this be permanent side effect or will it eventually go away
Thank You So Much 🙂
Hi everyone, I've been started on the mounjaro injection and about to go onto a higher dose, its been going great.
But just of lately I've been getting blurry vision and dry eyes. Will this be permanent side effect or will it eventually go away
Thank You So Much 🙂
The blurry vision could be because the medication is doing it's job and reducing blood glucose quite quickly and the can give issues with your eyes. It is because the environment in your eye changes from being sugary because of high glucose levels to more normal salty so the eye changes shape which alters to focal length and things can become fussy, it usually settles after a few weeks for most people.
If in doubt then get your optician to check but they should not prescribe new glasses until your blood glucose settles down.
The blurry vision could be because the medication is doing it's job and reducing blood glucose quite quickly and the can give issues with your eyes. It is because the environment in your eye changes from being sugary because of high glucose levels to more normal salty so the eye changes shape which alters to focal length and things can become fussy, it usually settles after a few weeks for most people.
If in doubt then get your optician to check but they should not prescribe new glasses until your blood glucose settles down.
Thank so much for that quick reply much appreciated
I'm on 7.5mg at the moment, and thinking of going back to 5mg, because of somewhat blurry vision (especially shortly after waking up), dry mouth overnight, and appetite reduced to zero (such that I can eat nothing all day and hence don't inject any fast-acting insulin that day).
The difficulty is that I am also on empagliflozin (among others), so I really don't know which medication is causing which side effects! [It's fun, isn't it...!]
PS one of the diabetes nurses at my local Diabetes Clinic says that they are finding that 5mg is a good maintenance dose for their patients on Mounjaro...
Thank You very much for your reply, im starting the 5mg today..I was just really worried that my eyes were going to permanetely stay like this im running gliclazide along side with it ..Ive also got a dry mouth :/
Leave it at least a week before hoping that some of the side-effects may get less.
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